Take the 90 Day Tithe Challenge

Giving a tithe can be a giant step in obedience and commitment. We want you to know you are not alone and we are here to help you by offering a 90 Day Tithe Challenge. If you tithe from May 17 through August 15 and God doesn’t hold true to his promises of blessings, we will refund 100% of those tithes.

What is a tithe?

A tithe, a word which means tenth, is defined as the first 10% of a person’s income that is to be given back to the local church. Tithing is a principle that is taught throughout the entire Bible. It’s essentially an agreement based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10-11.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 3:10-11 NIV

Why would I do a 90 Day Tithe Challenge?

God tells us to give our first and best back to him, and he will bless the rest. We return to the Lord 10% of what he’s given us because it belongs to him. If you’re not tithing already, a great way to start is with this 90 Day Tithe Challenge. If you’re already tithing, take the 90 Day Tithe Challenge to reconfirm your commitment. When we tithe, we are expressing worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives.

For many, the idea of bringing the first 10% of our income to the Church can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t really matter how much or how little we make, God promises to pour out blessings on us when we tithe. Tithing is about training our heart to trust God at his word.

I’m ready! What do I do?

First, be sure to sign up. Get a 90 Day Tithe Challenge card on Sunday (or print one from here) and turn in the sign up portion to the information table or the church office. That’s how we’ll know you’re taking the challenge.

Next, determine your weekly income (try using your 2015 tax return: divide annual income by 52) and multiply that amount by 0.10 to determine your weekly tithe. If you prefer to give 10% of your annual income monthly, divide annual income by 12 and multiply that amount by 0.10.

Then, give your tithe at Sunday worship services during the offering time or give online. Please follow these steps.

Check: Put “Tithe Challenge” in the memo line with how much of your tithe is new, additional giving because of the challenge.

Cash: use an envelope or note labeled with your name and “Tithe Challenge” and indicate how much of your tithe is new, additional giving because of the challenge.

Online: enter the amount of your regular giving in the “Overall Mission and Operations” box and enter the amount of your new, additional giving in the 90 Day Tithe Challenge box. Click here to give online.

Seriously, I can get the money back?

You sure can. Our prayer for you is that your faith in God’s promises will be so increased that you won’t want a refund of your tithes to him made during the 90 Day Tithe Challenge. But if within 30 days of the end of the challenge you want the money back then, yes, it will be returned to you. Make your request to the church office by September 15, 2015. On September 16, we will direct all the tithes collected during the challenge to missions and ministry projects. NOTE: It is important that you followed the steps above in the “I’m ready!” section above so your tithes made during the challenge can be returned if you so choose.

More Good Questions
Click a question below to see the answer. Send your own question to the church office through info@restorationcov.org and we’ll answer you and maybe even post it here to help others too.

[expand title=”If I already tithe, what should I do?” startwrap=”” endwrap=”“]

We hope you will sign up for the challenge even if you already tithe. The 90 Day Tithe Challenge is a time to check that your habits match your heart and you are offering God his full 10%. Perhaps there has been a change in household income and so the amount you give will be revised. Perhaps you’ve only given on the Sundays you attend church and so now you will plan for more consistency. If you do make a change, follow the instructions in the “I’m ready!” section above so your increased giving will be marked towards the challenge. If you find you do not need to make a change, then your participation in the challenge is complete. In any case, the 90 Day Tithe Challenge will let you practice full and faithful giving as your answer to God’s calling us to act by faith.
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Yes, you can choose to begin participating at any time between now and August 16. Just follow the instructions above in the “I’m ready!” section.
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Half of the increase in giving as a result of the challenge is going to missions and church planting and the other half will go towards Restoration ministries. But this challenge isn’t about raising money, it’s about increasing each person’s faith to boldly respond to God’s word and vision for us as his church. It’s about training our hearts to trust God. It’s about Jesus’s mission to proclaim his Good News of redemption and resurrection throughout the world. It’s about looking for God’s miracles, God’s healing and God’s work in us and in our world.
[expand title=”I have a great story about tithing. How do I share it?” startwrap=”” endwrap=”“]

We’d love to hear your story! Send it to Pastor Rob through RobJacobson@restorationcov.org.