Vision Meeting – June 28
Friends and members of Restoration, please join us for our Annual Vision Meeting on Sunday, June 28, at 11am on Zoom after our live stream worship service. We will be welcoming new members and sharing stories of where we have seen God at work and where He is leading us. Members will also be voting via Survey Monkey on Leadership Team candidates and our 2020-21 budget. See the three candidate bios below. Amy Zaffke is up for a re-election for a second term. Chad White has completed his term and we will offer a farewell and thank you at the Vision Meeting.
In order for voting to work smoothly and effectively, we need each member to verify your primary email address in our online directory platform Adjace HERE. If you have shared email addresses or are digitally challenged or limited, please contact Lacey at 952-373-1274 (voice or text), so she can work with our Leadership Team to accommodate.
2020 Leadership Team Candidates

Hi Restoration, I have had the honored privilege to serve on the leadership team now for the last two years. When I started, I was nervous not knowing what I could offer and thinking there were many others more qualified to sit on the team. Wow has it been fun to serve along an incredible team with such a heart for this Restoration family. I have seen so many workings of the Holy Spirit, compassion for our church, flexibility and service. My kids miss seeing everyone each week as this church family is their family and friends. We have been so blessed by our time with Restoration. I also continue to serve at Bethany Global University as the Director of Student Life. I have not felt a release from the Lord from this position at this time so I am asking if you are in agreement to vote for a second term on the team to see what the Lord has in store for our community in the coming years!

Hello Restoration! I miss you all! My name is Leanne Esch and I first attended Restoration in October of 2015. I knew right away God was calling me to make Restoration my home. I love being a part of a genuine community of Christ followers where I am received as I am and allowed to grow without expectation of perfection. I have enjoyed serving on the prayer team and the worship team, as well as being stretched to speak on Sunday mornings and at the women’s retreat this past fall. Serving on the Leadership Team is another way I can grow as I give to the community and mission I love and believe in. Outside of serving at Restoration, I enjoy spending time helping my family and am a PCA for my niece. I also serve as a spiritual director/companion and love being used in a ministry of listening. I enjoy being creative, spending time outdoors (especially camping), pursuing small-scale adventures, and eating yummy food. God is always doing something new, and I desire to be right in the middle of what He has for me!

Hello Restoration! My name is Michele Jacobson, wife of Pastor Rob. We have three children: Lauren, Lydia, and Luke. I have had the honor of working side by side with my husband since Restoration was just a dream in our minds. Together we attended extensive church planter training, led several groups of people to help birth Restoration from our basement, and served on the first leadership team. Along with volunteering at church and raising three busy children, I work as a hand therapist at Twin Cities Orthopedics. I absolutely love working with people and helping to restore their function and independence after suffering from a hand injury. In my spare time, I enjoy volunteering with the kids’ school activities, running, gardening, and time just being with our Creator in the outdoors. I am excited for a new season of life, to use my gifts and serve on the leadership team at Restoration.