August 19, 2020
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Life in Worship / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
It’s been about three years now but I remember the day so vividly because it was one of the biggest turning points of my life.
It was a beautiful spring day, the sun was shining bright, I bounced out of bed excited to start the day. I came downstairs and opened my email to find a message waiting for me from my doctor. The email said my recent blood labs indicated that my liver was not properly processing my blood cells and I was being diagnosed with a liver disease, to go along with my pre-existing Type One diabetes. I chuckled at the now-predictable continued misfortune of our family.
I didn’t sit around long. I headed to the gym just as I normally would. On the way home, I drove aimlessly through surrounding neighborhoods for about fifteen minutes. As the wheels on my car spun, the wheels in my mind were starting to spin out of control. How will this manifest itself? How much longer will I be here for my family? First I was concerned, then I became sad, and finally I was angry. I pulled into the driveway, turned off the ignition and just sat in the car. “Why?” I thought. Why was OUR son the one with profound hearing loss? Why were WE saddled with the nightmare of infertility? Why was I in a constant health battle for three years now? Finally I was going to do something I should have done after closing the email hours earlier, go to God.
“THIS SUCKS AND YOU’RE WRONG, GOD!” I shouted out loud and was immediately met with the words “Just come to me.” Not out loud, but just as loud the words permeated me, in me, and stirred me. Not exasperated, but with arms wide open, understanding, soft, kind, empathetic words. My Heavenly Father watched me spin out, I had the nerve to question His plan, and He simply asked that I let Him hold me. I knew then and there, that He was not indifferent to my struggle but that He was pained by my pain.
I thought back to the miraculous ways He had walked me through one medical crisis after the other over the years. I thought about my son who is thriving, and is already a witness in his life. I thought about my wife who is my rock and I saw God, towering over everything, even right there in the car. In the years that have passed, my health has been steady and God has given me numerous occasions to witness to individuals from a place of understanding and earned trust. Our family has weathered more challenges, but we know that God walks with us and will work all things for good. Go to God.
With love,

Jordan / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
In-person Worship – Sept 13 & 27

We’re excited to be offering in-person worship at our new location at 14201 Cedar Avenue, along with continuing to stream our worship gatherings online. Please know that there will be things that will look and feel different as we regather together. Regardless of how your family chooses to participate in church, we want you to know we’re glad that you’re a part of our church family. The foundation of why we gather together is not changing. We gather together to worship Jesus and to spread the hope He brings as one body in Him. For complete information about our in-person guidelines, click HERE. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Worship will still be streamed online
  • Come early for in-person worship – must set up and be in seats for a prompt 10am start
  • No Restoration Kids ministry or nursery; bring your own activities, busy bags available
  • Bring your own mask, notebook, pen, and a phone if you’d like to access the digital worship folder
  • Social distancing and masks required by state mandates
  • No coffee or bagel service for the time being

Immerse: Beginnings at Restoration

These days more than ever we need a hopeful story of God taking care of His people. It feels like divine planning then that our goal has us slotted to read Immerse: Beginnings. Starting September 28, we will be reading Immerse: Beginnings; finishing the entire Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) in 8 weeks. What better way to combat fear and uncertainty than reading the promises of God? For those 8 weeks, Pastor Rob will preach about the week’s reading and small groups will discuss what they have read in a format similar to that of a book club, and the students will be studying the same material. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we can provide one free Immerse: Beginnings book per family, with additional copies available for $5 per book. Join us as we find hope and comfort in the beginning of God’s story. To find out more or to join a small group, contact
How you can participate – Weekly sermons, join a small group, follow the Reading Plan, read the Family Discussion Guide with your family, watch the weekly videos or listen to the audiobook free HERE.
How you can get a book – Outdoor service 8/30, in-person service 9/13 or 9/27, pick up from the Ministry Center during the week, call or email the office for delivery, or buy the e-book.
Shoes for Westview
Over the last four years Restoration has helped support families at Westview Elementary by raising money to buy shoes and backpacks. This year Westview has asked us to help in a tangible way by providing shoes for students in need. Here’s how you can help – bring a pair of new athletic shoes in a youth size to our outdoor worship service on August 30 or contribute money to our fundraiser on Facebook before August 31. Thanks in advance for your help with this great outreach to our community. Contact
Outdoor Worship Service
On Sunday, August 30, we invite you to join us at Central Park in Rosemount for an outdoor worship celebration. We will also have our worship service online for those not comfortable with meeting in person yet or for those who can’t make it. We are so excited to see you, hear what God is doing, and celebrate where we’ve been and where we are going.
A couple things to know about this outdoor celebration:

  • Bring a chair or blanket, a beverage and a picnic lunch for you/your family.
  • You are welcome but not required to wear a face covering (since we will be outside).
  • We will be social distancing so we trust that you will stay roughly 6 feet away from each other and we ask that you refrain from hugging or handshakes. I know some of you will be VERY disappointed about that.
  • We will be inviting testimonies to what God has been doing in our lives during our time apart.
  • We want to celebrate believer baptisms, so please let us know if you are interested.
  • We will only be singing at the beginning (spaced out) but we understand if that is an obstacle for you, we invite you to join us at 10:20am.

Again, if you are not comfortable meeting in person, we hope you will join us online.
Communion Sunday – August 30
Communion is one of the sacred rhythms of the church that, among other things, celebrates the beautiful, unhindered communion we have with God and each other through Jesus’ sacrifice. In light of this, and knowing that the outdoor service is our first in-person Sunday in months, we want to include it as part of our worship to God, and our celebration of being back together again! We are asking everyone who wants to participate to prepare their own elements ahead of time (bread and grape juice are the most common) and bring them with their picnic lunch to the park the morning of the outdoor service, so that we may all partake in this act of worship and celebration together.
Housewarming Registry
Thanks to everyone who helped us move into our new location on Cedar! Almost everything has been moved from the old Ministry Center and we are in the process of getting settled into our new space. If you are interested in helping our new ministry space feel like home, we have created a “housewarming” registry on Amazon.
Remember to use and choose Restoration as your organization to support. Click HERE for instructions getting signed up. If you have any questions contact
Food on the First
In lieu of our usual Food on the First food collections for the summer, we’ll be collecting gift cards to provide to families in need. Please send grocery gift cards from Target, Cub, Aldi, or Walmart to Michele Jacobson. Please message us at
Love Thy Neighbor Bingo
When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was, he replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” When Jesus was asked who one’s neighbor was he told a story about a compassionate outsider. Jesus wasn’t just talking about his (or our) physical neighbors; he was talking about all the people around us, whether it be the people we work with, play with, learn with, or live near.
While all of these are included in his definition of neighbor, we want to focus on the neighbors we live near, especially during our beautiful Minnesota summers.
Our hope and prayer is that each of us can build relationships with our neighbors and hear their stories and have an opportunity to share ours. As an encouragement to our Restoration community, we created a Love thy Neighbor Bingo Card and Sign. Thanks to Culver’s in Apple Valley, we will hook you up with a free scoop of custard if you complete the entire card by August 30. Just let us know by filling out the form HERE.
Baptism and Dedication at Restoration
Did you know Believer Baptism is a picture of how Jesus has changed your life and a response to God’s redeeming love for us? If God has been working in your life, have you considered being baptized? We will be doing believer baptisms on August 30. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact If you are interested in having a child dedicated or baptized, please contact or contact the church office.
Small Groups Meeting Online via Zoom
In these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever to have face time with friends and family – even if it’s virtual. We recognize the huge value in this opportunity to stay connected and some of our small groups have formed online zoom chats to stay connected:

  • Men’s Group – Every Saturday morning at 7am – led by Chad White
  • Prayer Group – Every Tuesday 7-9pm – led by Mary Beshara and Michael Nybakken
  • Adultish? Group – Friday evenings – led by Daniel Morgenstern

These groups are all easy to join. Please reach out to to get connected to these zoom chats or to find the group that fits best.
You are invited to Family Game Night! – August 17
We want to stay connected and have fun through these times, so every other Monday from 7:30pm-8:30pm we will be gathering through Zoom to play some fun party games together! No installation or purchase required. Anyone age 12+ can join the game via computer, phone, or any other device that can browse the internet. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please contact Matthew at:
Sunday Coffee Time
Are you missing after service chats by the coffee cart? Join us after the message Sunday on a zoom call for our virtual coffee meeting; we’ll bring the company you bring the coffee. We will break up into groups of 3-4 callers to give you a chance to chat and check in on folks you might not have connected with otherwise. Use this link to join. A link will also be posted in the chat at the end of the service on Sunday.
Online Giving
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.
Pray or Receive Prayer
Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at
Restoration Kids’ Lessons
We believe that every moment with your kids matters and that as parents, we have the opportunity to impress Biblical truth in a kid’s life, especially during these unprecedented circumstances.
Follow this link to access each week’s video lesson that your kids can complete on their own or with you.
Contact Daniel with questions about any Restoration Students events at or 952-686-8408.
Students Nerf Event
Do Nerf guns make a “bang bang” noise or a “pew pew?” You’ll have to come and find out. We’re having a little backyard Nerf and water war. Meet at the Stoks’ backyard (14706 Dunbar Ct, Apple Valley) from 5:30-7:30pm on Wednesday, August 26. Wear athletic clothes and bring Nerf guns and ammo, water guns, and a friend. Oh, and don’t forget your cardboard tank (or any other creations). I know I won’t forget mine. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the event and masks are recommended but not required. Please reach out to Daniel Morgenstern at or 952-686-8408.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.