COVID-19 UPDATE // 6.12.2021

On May 14, 2021, Gov. Walz signed an executive order lifting Minnesota’s statewide mask mandate. This week (June 7), School District 196 also changed their practices and protocols to reflect less regulations and requirements and more personal/family choice and responsibility. Restoration Covenant Church will align with these practices and not require wearing masks/face coverings, whether indoor or outdoor. 

Both the Center for Disease Control and the Minnesota Department of Health strongly recommend that anyone who is not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 continue to wear face coverings indoors in businesses, public settings, and when around people from other households, as well as outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained. 

MDH also recommends proper hand washing and staying home when sick. Can I add proper ‘heart’ washing to that list? The pandemic has wreaked havoc on our trust in one another and how we see and interact with each other. We have too quickly pointed out the speck of sawdust in our brother’s eye without first removing the large plank of wood in our own eyes. We need to ask the Lord to purify our hearts and fill us with love, trust and respect for others. Beloved friends on this mission, this is the time to reclaim Jesus’ mission to us, in us and through us.

Our prayer and desire is that Restoration can have diversity in our unity and unity in our diversity. Please continue to respond with grace, compassion and respect for each other, even on points where we disagree.