Our guest Jack Poblocki is a staunch atheist and has been best friends with Daniel Morgenstern, a Christ Follower and Minister through 15 years of debating God, politics, and just about everything else. Join us on Facebook or YouTube Thursday, March 4, at 7pm to hear a breakdown of how we became friends, our history of hard fought disagreement, and the habits that helped us stay friends through it all.
Our World desperately needs more people able to listen to one another. As Christians we have to be able to talk with people that are currently against Jesus; people that believe the Gospel is a lie meant to trap them. Jesus wants them too and we can’t let the fact they believe differently than us get in the way of inviting them into our lives. So please tune in Thursday, this is a talk you won’t want to miss! Use the social links below to quickly find the webinar:
ONLINE SUNDAYS: March 14, 28
We will return to weekly in-person services starting April 4th

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration
- Thursday, March 4th at 7pm | Unity in Disagreement Webinar
- Sunday, March 7th at 10am | In-Person & Online Worship
- Tuesday, March 9th at 7pm | Come & See Prayer at the Ministry Center

We are thrilled to welcome Leanne Esch as a part of the staff here at Restoration. She will be leading our Spiritual Care Ministry and is available to meet with you, pray with you and be a support to you and your family. We wanted to share the beautiful words she spoke from the Vision Update Meeting so you can “hear” her heart. You can reach her by email at leanneesch@restorationcov.org
The Free Book Buggy Service Opportunity
Right now, it is too easy to become self focused and even a little selfish. Now more than ever we have to be the light of the world. Let’s show them the compassion and “others first” mentality Christ gives us. There are many ways to do this and we hope you will join with Restoration in collecting for the Free Book Buggy.
Last month we donated food to 360 Communities and we will soon do that again. But this month we’re excited to add one more opportunity. Have any old picture books, children’s readers, or young adult novels that you’re done with? Well there are people in need of those shelf warmers. The Free Book Buggy is a local Non-Profit dedicated to redistributing books to the children and young people that need it most in the Twin Cities area. Reading helps to improve memory retention, strengthens focus, and aids in the expansion of vocabulary and knowledge. If we’re going to feed bellies in our community we should also feed minds.
Like the 360 Communities donation, all you have to do is set a book aside each day in a collection box (any box will do) at your home. Use that daily moment to remember and pray for those in our community that are hurting. Pray that they will find Jesus and that He will bless them. After 2 weeks (anytime during the week of March 21st), bring the box to the ministry center for us to collect and donate. Please call ahead to coordinate contactless drop off (952) 373-1274.
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. Also, TEXT any dollar amount to 84321.
Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at prayer@restorationcov.org

To succeed spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally we need to actively seek out dependable people to partner with. People that will lift us up, keep us accountable, and share life. Don’t just try to read your Bible more, or hope to find friends you can share with, join others that are already working on it. Restoration Small Groups are teams waiting for you to join. You need them and they need you. They need your presence, personality, and passion; everything that makes you unique. As they encourage you they need you to encourage them.

What We Are Learning in March In March, Elementary kids will be learning about patience. Waiting is a part of life. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait on our own. God can help us experience the patience we need to wait well. After all, God is patient. God is in control and knows what’s best for us. Even though God’s people had been waiting for years for the promised Savior, at just the right time, God sent Jesus. As we are created in God’s image, we can reflect His patience in our lives. We can be patient when we remember what God has done and trust God no matter what. RESTORATION KIDS ON SUNDAY MORNINGS Restoration Kids has begun meeting in person during in person worship services. Virtual classes will continue to meet on the Sundays that worship services are online only. Virtual Class link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85932448179 In-Person: March 7, 21 Virtual class: March 14, 28 See below for more details and reach out to Chrystine at ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org if you have any questions! RESTORATION KIDS IN-PERSON SUNDAY MORNING! Before our in-person services you can pre-check your kids into Restoration Kids and use contactless check-in by downloading the app. After checking in, kids will enter the worship center with their family. Following the kids’ blessing song, kids will line up with their class by the coffee area, while maintaining a physical distance of six feet. Their teachers will walk them to the Ministry Center in the adjacent building. Immediately after worship service, follow the signs on the Ministry Center door to check-out your child. Restoration Kids classes will look a little different, here is what you need to know: +Instead of starting in large group, kids will go straight to their small group lesson time +Masks will be worn by both adults and kids +All efforts will be made to distance when possible and there will be no activities that involve extended periods of closer than six feet +Each kid will have their own bag of supplies that they will use each week +High-touch surfaces will be sanitized before and after classes RESTORATION KIDS ONLINE CONTENT FOR FAMILIES We believe that every moment with your kids matters and that as parents, you have the ability to impress Biblical truth in your kid’s life. This is especially important now that other opportunities for spiritual growth have been more limited. We have linked the Bible Story content for this week here. You will need to enter the password restorationkids to access content. We have included a Parent Guide to help you guide conversation that reinforces what your kids are learning in the Bible Story Video. What a great opportunity to help grow your child’s faith! |

March is a bit of a funky month for Students. The first two weeks will be online Student Gathering on Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm. As always, come ready for games, small group discussion, and maybe even a funny video or two.
++ The last two weeks of March are what make it unique though. Students Ministry will be taking a two week break from regular programming to talk strategy, re-organize, and ask for feedback. We would love to hear from everyone what Student Ministry means to you. And when we say everyone we mean everyone.
Parents or Students, new to Restoration or been around for years, volunteers or just interested members, we want to hear what you have to say. Please reach out to Daniel with any feedback or ideas and if anything is confusing he is available for questions. danielmorgenstern@restorationcov.org.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.