Vision Meeting Recap

Sunday was such a beautiful ten year birthday celebration and vision meeting! We shared and heard meaningful stories of Restoration from both old and new friends, we heard encouraging ministry updates and a Spirit-filled word from Pastor Rob on where we are and where we are going. God has good plans ahead. He is still at work in and through each of us. We are so blessed to call this community home. 

During the Vision Meeting we voted on our new Leadership Team members. We are thrilled to share that the members unanimously voted in Greg Carlson, Chris Davis and Colin Fleming.

Be praying for our Leadership Team as they seek the Lord and partner with our staff to move the mission of Restoration forward. The current leadership team also stated that they will not be proposing a new budget until we find a different facility in the coming month. Stay tuned.

Finally, check out YouTube or Facebook for the recording if you missed the celebration. Also look at our social media channels this week for more video stories of Restoration and our birthday celebration. 

Fourth of July Scavenger Hunt

We want to see how your family is celebrating the Fourth of July! We have posted a scavenger hunt for your family to have a friendly challenge with other Restoration Families!

Fill out as many as you can over the weekend and send to by Monday, July 5. All entries will be entered to win a Target gift card.

BONUS: Send a picture of your family from the Fourth of July weekend and you will be entered a second time.

Have a fun Fourth of July!

Family Patriotic Scavenger Hunt!
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration
  • Sunday, July 4 | Online Sunday
  • Sunday, July 4 | Fireworks at the Morgenstern’s
  • Tuesday, July 6 at 7pm | Come & See Prayer at the Ministry Center
  • Wednesday, July 7 | Pray + Play
  • Sunday, July 11 | In-Person and Online Sunday Service
  • Sunday, July 11 | Student Breakout Sunday
Summer Small Groups
It’s Summer! Time to get outside and get social! And Restoration would love to help with that. If you’re looking for a group to join we have a few wonderful opportunities listed on the website. If you don’t see a group that’s a good fit for you let Daniel know at there might be the perfect one already in the works. 
We will be having child dedications and baptisms coming up soon. If you are interested in having a child dedicated or baptized, please contact or contact the church office.

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving whether you choose to worship with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at
This summer, kids will don their hard hats and head out to the construction site to discover that skyscrapers aren’t the only things that need a rock solid foundation. We will start with a kick-off event on Wednesday, July 21 from 6-8pm. It will be held outdoors at Revival Baptist Church (former Apple Valley Baptist location) at 964 Garden Valley Dr. in Apple Valley. VBS will then run every Wednesday night in August from 6-8pm for kids entering Kindergarten through fifth grade. We will have the songs, crafts and games that kids love about VBS, all outdoors.

Registration is LIVE! The first 30 kids to register will receive a bag with a CD, t-shirt iron-on and other themed gifts! Contact with any of your questions about this event or to find out how you can help make VBS a success this year.
Looking to get out of the house and connect with other parents and kids this summer? We would love to have you join us for Play and Pray! The kids enjoy themselves at the park while the grown-ups talk about the things going on in their lives and share prayer requests. Play and Pray mornings are an easy way to be in community with each other during the summer months. Our next dates will be July 7 and July 219:30am-11:30am at Apple Grove Park (by the fire station at CR42 and Hayes). Contact with any questions

During June and July, Restoration Kids will continue to have in-person small group classes for preschool through fifth grade during the Sunday morning worship service on the first, third and fifth Sundays. The exception to this will be July 4, which will be a virtual Sunday for the entire church. Beginning June 20, elementary classes will be meeting outdoors. Virtual small group for grades K-5 will continue on the second and fourth Sundays at 9:30 am via Zoom. Nursery will be open for infants and toddlers on the first and third Sundays. On weeks where no nursery is provided, we will have toys set up behind the fireplace in the lobby where parents can bring children if they need to get their wiggles out during service. Busy bags will also be available for older kids on these Sundays.

Online Virtual Classes for grades K-5: July 11 & 25
In-Person Nursery and Kids’ Classes: July 18
Virtual Class link:
Fireworks at the Morgensterns
How’s your firework spot for the 4th? Well, if your spot can’t beat within sight of the launch tubes then check this out. Restoration Student families are invited to join Daniel at his Parent’s House (5678 142nd St W, Apple Valley, MN 55124) at 9:30 PM July 4 for fireworks and rootbeer floats. Just bring a blanket or lawn chairs to sit and independence day swag if you’re feeling fancy. Let Daniel ( know if you’re coming by July 2. See you then!


July 4 – Fireworks at the Morgensterns

July 11 –  Sunday Student Breakout

July 15 – Apple River Tubing

July 22 – Student Serve Day 

July 25 – Sunday Student Breakout 

View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.