Hello Church Family,

I was inspired and encouraged again yesterday when I attended church service. To be truthful, I had many excuses for not wanting to go. The weather was beautiful, and my weekend was a bit full. Right before the time I should leave for church, I concluded my bible study, “Do the Next Right Thing”. I still wanted to stay home and felt ambivalent about going to church. Then I really questioned my motives and asked, ironically, “what is the next right thing?”.

Yes, I went to church, and I was surprised to hear and see:

  • a live electric violin
  • a testimony by Garrett that really struck a note on Where is God in suffering? (If you missed it, I recommend you watch it-soon, lest you forget!)
  • a chili dinner for all who wanted to and could stay to commune together 

Sunday reminded me again why RCC is my church family. I was able to worship in a beautiful way, be reminded that we ALL struggle, know that I am seen and loved, and that I need encouragement from my Christian brothers and sisters.

The next Connections comes out this Friday. I need stories. We need to encourage each other. We are not meant to be islands. How have you seen God lately? Have you recently called out in the name of Jesus? Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to do something? Are you struggling with and need prayer support?  

With great love,
Janae Barriuso

Send submissions to connections@restorationcov.org
Mark your calendar for these upcoming Restoration events 
  • Sunday, October 3 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm 
  • Tuesday, October 5 | Come and See Prayer Gathering 7pm at Vendella
  • Sunday, October 10 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm 
  • Tuesday, October 12 | Come and See Prayer Gathering 7pm at Vendella
  • Sunday, October 17 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm 
  • Tuesday, October 19 | Come and See Prayer Gathering 7pm at Vendella
  • Sunday, October 24 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm 
  • Tuesday, October 26 | Come and See Prayer Gathering 7pm at Vendella
  • Friday, October 29 | Pumpkin Party 6:30-8pm
Our new address: 12156 Nicollet Ave in Burnsville, MN
Do you ever feel trapped by what others expect from you? Do you ever feel like the things you enjoy aren’t “normal?” Have you ever felt like everyone around you is “winning’” at life while you are falling behind?

We have awesome news! Jesus doesn’t believe that about you. Jesus has placed unique passions and callings on your life and He wants you to chase them regardless of what the world around you thinks. If something honors God and brings you joy then you should be doing it; what’s stopping you?

In our new webinar, Choosing Jesus’s Normal, Restoration’s own Daniel Morgenstern is joined by guest Ryan Forte to discuss how to identify the lies the world feeds us, understand Jesus’s Normal, and find courage to chase it down. Join us for the premiere on YouTube and Facebook on Tuesday, October 12 at 7pm.
Kids and Student Ministries are joining forces to bring you a festive event for the whole church. We are meeting at 12156 Nicollet Ave in Burnsville from 6:30-8:00pm on Friday, October 29 to carve pumpkins, enjoy some snacks, and compete for candy prizes. Kids, students, and parents work together to carve and decorate their pumpkins in interesting and unique ways. After pumpkin carving, Students Ministry will host a mystery competition for the whole family. We will have carving tools and craft supplies on hand so just bring your friends, your creativity and, of course, a pumpkin! Have fun and leave the clean-up to us. Snacks are provided so an RSVP will help us plan. Contact ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org.

WHAT IS COME AND SEE?? Each week it’s something different, but EVERY week we experience a movement of God together. It’s fun, fulfilling, and sometimes surprising! We seek to be with God in a variety of ways- meditating on a scripture, listening in the quiet, hearing each other’s stories, praying for a specific need, or whatever the Spirit has for us that week. All are free to participate by simply being present. You are invited, just as you are, to Come and See God in new ways with us!

Join us any Tuesday! Gathering time from 6:45-7pm; prompt start, 7:00-8:30pm.

WHERE: Vendella Coffee Haus: 1440 Duckwood Dr Suite 600, Eagan, MN 55122.  

Contact Leanne with questions: leanneesch@restorationcov.org 
Be a part of something big as our church family goes on an exciting 8-week journey reading through the next Immerse book: KINGDOMS. 

The first day of Immerse started THIS WEEK!
Day 1 pp. A9-4
Day 2 pp. 4-10
Day 3 pp. 10-19
Day 4 pp. 19-32
Day 5 pp. 32-39

Contact Daniel at danielmorgenstern@restorationcov.org to learn more.
God is one of a kind, with no beginning and no end. Everything God has created is unique and one of a kind, including people created in God’s image. Every person is an original reflection of God in how they love, care for others, imagine, create, and solve problems. To see how we can do this well, we should look to Jesus. Jesus showed us what it means to be created in God’s image in the way He loved all people and helped people feel like they had value—no matter who they were or what they had done. We can reflect this as we discover who we’re meant to be and live out the individuality God gave us.

“How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well. “ Psalm 139:14, NIrV
Preschoolers love to show adults how BIG they are . . . “Look at my BIG muscles! Look how BIG I can jump! Look at this BIG bite!” We don’t have to teach a preschooler to show everyone how big they are. And, if we’re all honest, there’s something deep inside us that wants to do something big, too. We want to show the world that we can do things that matter—things that really matter. Could it be that we were all made to do big things? We think so. That is why we have planned an entire month around what being a Super Kid really looks like—doing the things God made us to do. God made us to do BIG things!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the Lord your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV


October 10 – Sunday Student Breakout (5:30-6:15pm) 

Immerse | All Students 

Alright parents, it’s approaching that time of year again. We are going to join with the rest of the Church in reading Immerse. Immerse is an 8 week program that enables Restoration to collectively read through the entire Bible in 6 years! The Sunday teaching, small groups, and online content will all be drawing from Immerse so make sure your Student isn’t left out.

This year we are reading Immerse Kingdoms which covers the timeframe from Joshua to Solomon. It is the story of how Israel became a nation and it is filled with powerful examples of leadership, integrity, courage, faithfulness, and obedience. It also gives a beautiful window into the faithfulness of God as Israel regularly fails its purpose as a light to the world. Please prep your Student to participate in this exciting opportunity in our Church and maybe consider jumping in a small group yourself. 

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