Restoration Family,
Over the past few weeks, it has been so refreshing, so encouraging, and just so good to worship together in our new location at Mercy Road church! We are grateful for how God has provided opportunities to gather together and to worship together in what remains a trying time for our nation and for our world.
In recent weeks, our stamina and our endurance have both been tested in new ways as reports of increased Covid cases have been making headlines on both the local and national level. Also in the headlines have been the reports of contentious and heated meetings between legitimately concerned parents, and equally concerned school boards—both of whom are concerned for the safety and wellbeing of their children or students.
Because the demographics and geographic locations of Restoration’s families are so diverse, another question has arisen recently as to which policies — school district, state, CDC, or otherwise — Restoration is following regarding mask use for its children, students, and families.
This is not an easy question to answer. Some districts and schools are all masks, all the time… Others are some masks, some of the time, largely depending upon rates of Covid transmission, etc…