The facilities task force team has been meeting with increased frequency to continue to complete tasks along the path to our new building. In each of these meetings, excitement has been palpably growing with each task completed, each milestone crossed and in every new brainstorm for things upcoming.The blessing of encountering open doors and clarity makes it feel that we are moving in tune with God’s direction for Restoration. We pray that this continues and are excited to share with you some of the specific milestones we’ve crossed and a few things to look forward to!

  • Number one is we have a completely signed purchase agreement and have made our (refundable) earnest money deposit, which in the real estate world is an enormous milestone creating a legal contract so we are officially no longer at risk of any hesitation on part of the sellers or other buyers in the picture undermining our ability to proceed. We are solely in the position to complete our due diligence and make our final decision about the building – yay!
  • We have checked many of the initial due diligence items off the list ahead of schedule including completing an appraisal that came in over our purchase price (a huge win). With that, our loan finalization is also very close to complete. We have selected a closing company for when we get to that stage as well. A phase 1 environmental study was conducted that showed no concerns. Perhaps the most exciting update is that just days ago, we had the building thoroughly inspected and while there are a few notes, there were no major red flags! In fact, our very experienced inspector said it was built VERY well and should be quite energy efficient due to its construction.
  • Upcoming diligence items will be a land survey required for closing and bid meetings with contractors to begin getting budgets and timelines for initial remodeling to make the building our own in form, feel and function. This renovation will create a warm and welcoming lobby, a larger worship capacity for us to invite a friend, neighbor or co-worker, and fun-filled, awe-inspiring places for the next generation to know and grow in Christ. We also plan to have contractors layout ideas for expansion and the city of Lakeville has already provided great information on what is possible so that we may know our long term options for growing with the property.
  • Finally we are working on getting a site visit (or two) scheduled in the coming weeks so you can see the building.

The facilities team, with input from Restoration’s finance team, will be pouring over financial documents to be provided this week by the seller so that all historical maintenance and cost numbers can be filtered into our proposed budget. Clarity on the numbers will also be a final step prior to establishing the budget and fundraising targets for both the immediate needs and long term goals. Please join us this Sunday evening in person or online to hear more about this update from Pastor Rob!

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Sunday, July 31 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm
  • Tuesday, August 2 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Sunday, August 7 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm
  • Tuesday, August 9 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Wednesday, August 10 | KIDS Alimagnet Park 10am
  • Sunday, August 14 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm
  • Tuesday, August 16 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • August 19-20 Summer Patio Parties
  • Sunday, August 28 | Outdoor Worship and Baptism Service 10am

RSVP for an August Patio Party!

This summer, Restoration has been hosting Patio Parties as a way to act on our value of being authentic people living in community with one another. Patio Parties will be a casual way of meeting or getting to know other people at the church. Various hosts will be opening their homes and groups will meet to share a meal and/or drinks on the patio. We would love to have you join us! In August, Patio Parties will be taking place:

Friday, August 19- Woodbury

Saturday, August 20- Eagan

Online Giving

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Pray or Receive Prayer

We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.

  • Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
  • Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
  • We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.


What’s Happening in Restoration Kids This Summer

Summer Pop-Ups!

This summer, Restoration Kids will be hosting Summer Pop-Ups to have fun and build community among our families. What is a Pop-Up event? A Pop-Up is a little party that we will be throwing somewhere in the area. From parks to the zoo, we will meet up around town to hang out with other Restoration Kids families. These are great events to invite your friends and neighbors! Don’t miss these upcoming Summer Pop-Ups:

  • Wednesday, August 10 at 10am | Alimagnet Park. Hosted by Val Magnuson.
  • Friday, August, 26 | Dinner at Freddy’s

NEW! Parenting with Purpose Mom’s Group

Summer Thursdays 9a-10a

Cliff Fen Park:120 Cliff Rd E, Burnsville, MN 55337

Welcome! This group is a space for moms to come together to support one another. Amy Zaffke is hosting and will do some teaching on four personalities of children and how to partner with how the Lord has created our children. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Let’s learn from one another and build up our precious families!

    Restoration Student Parents!

    Upcoming Student Events at Restoration

    • Thursday, August 4 | Middle School Bible Study 7-8pm
    • Sunday, August 7 | Middle School Breakout
    • Thursday, August 18 | Middle School Bible Study 7-8pm
    • Sunday, August 21 | Middle School Breakout
    • Saturday, August 27 | ALL STUDENT Kickball Tournament at Bunkerhill Park