November 7, 2019
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Romans 12:4-5
Greetings Restoration,
The trees are shedding and no one has an easy time dealing with the fall-out ; ). Some families have extra challenges to deal with, making raking a yard even harder. So I was excited to witness teams made up of students and adults from Restoration and South Suburban Evangelical Free Church bless three families last Saturday with their time and energy. The weather was cold and wet that day but that didn’t stop our students and adult volunteers from getting the job done and having a great attitude while doing it. The families whose yards we raked, including our own Harmers, were grateful for the help and glad to see the students united and serving.
I’m going to brag a little bit here when I say that we have some great workers in our students. Even with only a handful of students and adult volunteers, we were significantly ahead of schedule by the end. We probably could have done two more houses. Plus, I have heard military squads whine more than our students did. Imagine what we could do with twenty or thirty students. I fully expect that next year we will be helping two or three times as many families as we did this year. Jesus’ love brings people together and makes them better than they could be alone. We proved that this Saturday.
With love,
Immerse: Messiah – Week 7
We have passed the halfway mark reading through the first volume of Immerse, Messiah. It’s not too late to get involved! If you want to get started, don’t worry about catching up, just read this week’s reading. This Sunday, Pastor Rob will preach from the readings covered in Week 7 of the Reading Plan and small groups will have a book club style discussion on the same material. There are additional resources available on our website HERE as well as linked below.
Some helpful links:
Reading Plan
Audio Files
Family Guide
General Discussion Guide
Additional Discussion Questions
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Sunday Message Transcripts
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
To find out more or to join a small group, contact
Immerse – Share Your Story
Have you been reading along? Can you see yourself in God’s story? We want to hear your stories! If you’d like to write a News & Notes article or if you just want to tell us how Immerse has affected your life, please contact us at
Believer Baptisms
Did you know Believer Baptism is a picture of how Jesus has changed your life and a response to God’s redeeming love for us? If God has been working in your life, have you considered being baptized? We will do believer baptisms at the Besharas’ home in Apple Valley on Sunday, November 10. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact If you are interested in having a child dedicated or baptized, please contact or contact the church office.
Membership Class – November 23
Becoming a member of Restoration is about joining with fellow believers and making a commitment to the local church by recognizing that we are better together. Through this commitment, we put down roots for strong spiritual growth and join Christ in declaring our love for the Church that He gave his life for. A one-day Restoration membership class will be offered on Saturday, November 23 from 10am-1pm at the Ministry Center with a pizza lunch included. More information can be found HERE. If you’re interested in membership but this day doesn’t work for you, we’d love to talk with you. If you need childcare to be able to attend this class please let us know. Contact with questions regarding membership.
Armful of Love
One of our values at Restoration is serving humbly, so we share hope in Jesus Christ through acts of love. One of the ways we love the community around us is by partnering with 360 Communities’ Armful of Love for our Christmas outreach. Armful of Love matches local families in need with sponsors to provide gifts during the Christmas season. This year Restoration signed up to support 18 people in six families, which corresponds to about 72 gifts. We will have gift label ornaments that list desired gift items from these families for pick up on Sunday, November 17, November 24 and December 1. Gifts may be brought unwrapped and labeled with the gift label ornament to the Ministry Center by Friday, December 6. Please note that the wrapping will not take place on Saturday as in the past but on Friday night instead. Another way you can be generous in this outreach is by donating your time to help wrap gifts. If you are interested in helping with the gift wrapping on Friday, December 6 from 6:30-8pm contact Michele Jacobson at
Christmas Showcase – December 7
We have a fun opportunity for our church family to fellowship and get to know one another better during the holiday season. We want to showcase your talent and hard work on Saturday December 7 from 2-4pm. Have a special talent to share? Let us know! We’re looking for people of all ages who’d like to play an instrument, sing, dance, read a poem, or perform a skit. Showcase your favorite holiday goodies, sing some Christmas carols, and let’s celebrate the holidays together. If you’d like to participate in the showcase, bring food, or help plan the event please email
Restoration Online Directory
Did you know Restoration has an online directory where you can find photos and contact information for others at church? We would love to have everyone’s picture there as another way to help everyone get to know each other. You can find directions on how to use the directory HERE. Contact if you have any questions.
Join the Setup Team
Are you a behind-the-scenes type of person ready to serve alongside other men and women at Restoration? Do you know someone who could serve in this capacity? If you’re willing to move chairs, do light lifting, and set up the stage and worship area once a month on Sunday mornings, then you’d be a valuable asset on the set up team. At Restoration, the set up team creates the environment where people can encounter God. Michael Van Dyken, the team leader, is looking for volunteers to to serve. To learn more, contact him through
Small Groups
We’re very excited about this season of small groups. If you’re looking for a deeper connection with others within our church, we highly encourage you to plug in to one of the many small groups offered below. If you want to learn more or you’re not sure which group would be the best fit for you or your family, please contact
Second Stage Life Group
Every other Sunday, 6-8pm in host homes
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Dick & Patte Klatt
Families of Youth Lunch
2nd Sundays, Noon-2pm
Eating together and fellowship
Led by Kerry Stok
Women’s Small Group
2nd/4th Sundays, 6-8pm in host homes
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Kara Rasmussen
Family Small Group
1st/3rd Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm in host homes
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Nick and Andrea Youngberg
Family Small Group
1st/3rd Sundays, 5:30-7:30pm in host homes
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Evan and Vinesha Frey
Prayer Group
Every Tuesday, 7-9pm at the Ministry Center
Led by Mary Beshara and Michael Nybakken
Women’s Small Group
Every Tuesday, Oct 1-Nov 19, 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center Prayer Room
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Val Magnuson
Parents with Young Children Play Date Group
3rd Wednesdays, 9:30am-11:30am in host homes
Informal time of fellowship while kids play
Led by Chrystine Vilhauer
Men’s Bible Study Group
Saturdays, 7-8am at the Ministry Center
Studying Immerse: Messiah
Led by Chad White
Amazon Smile
If you do any holiday shopping at Amazon, if you go through AmazonSmile it can also be a gift to Restoration. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You have access to all the same items through AmazonSmile. You may want to add a bookmark to make it even easier to start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Sign up and choose Restoration Covenant Church as your organization to support. Thanks in advance for choosing to support Restoration!
Pray or Receive Prayer
Are you gifted at prayer or do you have a prayer request that you’d like to share with our prayer team? We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at
Calling All Kids
Do you have friends who’d like to have their kids involved in church but have yet to check us out? We have a great way to reach your unchurched family and friends who are looking for fun ways to get their kids to church. Invite them to participate in our Children’s Program on Sunday, December 15. The kids will start practicing for the program during our regular worship time starting November 11. Parents hear a great message and kids learn more about the Christmas story. We’re always looking for adult volunteers to help with our program so if you’re willing to share your gifts, please contact Chrystine Vilhauer.
What We’re Learning in November
“Can you say thank you?” How many times will a child be asked that question in their preschool years? We ask them again and again because we want to help them learn to be thankful. This month is all about saying thank you. In fact, we are going to be bubbling over with thankfulness with our Bubble Factory theme.
Throughout the month, preschoolers will learn to be thankful for their family, friends, and food. And, they’ll learn that saying, “Thank you” is just as important as being thankful. Imagine the preschoolers in your church learning to tell God thank you – for EVERYTHING – all while having fun with their small group leaders and friends. Imagine them growing up giving thanks to the Lord with their WHOLE heart.
Memory Verse: “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
In November, Elementary kids will be learning about honor. Honor is letting someone know you see how valuable they really are. All people have value because they were created in God’s image. God values each of us so much that He sent Jesus to make it possible for us to have a forever relationship with Him. We follow God’s example when we show others they have value too.
Memory Verse: “Love one another deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.” Romans 12:10, NiRV
Families of Youth Lunch
We have a venue change for November’s Families of Youth lunch. The lunch will follow the Believer Baptism on Sunday, November 10 at the Besharas’ home in Apple Valley. Karen and John Schroeder will still provide the main course of marinated turkey sandwiches. Because Schroeders won’t be hosting it at their own home and because the Besharas have opened their home to us, it’s imperative that we have an RSVP head count by Wednesday, November 6 in order to provide enough food and seating. Please RSVP below with what specific side you’ll bring. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions. See you there!
Upcoming Dates: December 8 at Culver’s.
Restoration Students Wednesday Nights
Nov 13, 20 | Dec 4, 18
Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join us at the Ministry Center (7707 147th St W, Apple Valley) from 6:30-8pm on Wednesday nights for a time of teaching, activities, and groups that focus on encountering Jesus, building meaningful relationships, and restoring hope to the world. If you have a Bible, bring it. Invite a friend!
Middle School Group
Nov 10, 24 | Dec 8, not 22 | Jan 5, 19 | Feb 2, 16 | Mar 1, 15 | Apr 5, 19 | May 3, 17
Students in grades 6-8 begin Sunday mornings in the worship service. On the designated Sundays, they meet in the café for discussion and activities that complement the Sunday morning message.
Join the Students Team
Do you have a passion for working with students? Are you interested in serving Restoration through our Wednesday Night Student Groups? We would love to hear from you! The students team is looking for adult men and women who would like to get involved in being a part of our team. We welcome anyone who loves God and loves the idea of working with students. Contact Daniel Morgenstern.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.