December 12, 2019
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.
Proverbs 18:16
Armful of Love / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Hello Restoration,
I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve families through Armful of Love. Serving others forces me to shift my mindset from within to thinking beyond my first world problems, which can honestly be quite challenging during this time of year as our crazy busy schedules keep me distracted from focusing on what really is important. This year especially I have found myself feeling somewhat numb, totally absent-minded, completely distracted by the million things I perceive need to get done. My TO-DO list seems to grow exponentially every year and yet I have to force myself to pause, take a time-out, and realize that many people are not fortunate enough to have a TO-DO list and a million activities to get to.
Serving others is a great reminder of how blessed we are and how we can tangibly bless others. Year after year, I am always amazed by the level of generosity of our small church. This was our seventh year participating in the 360 Communities Armful of Love outreach. Each year we add to the number of people we serve through Armful of Love and Restoration responds in a significant way. This year, we provided gifts and gift cards for seven families (26 people in total). I often receive some thank you notes throughout the year from people that we have directly provided for. It is such a privilege to read these carefully crafted notes, as if I am unwrapping a gift only to discover the joy within that gift recipient’s heart.
In addition to serving through the Armful of Love outreach, our church provides weekend food for 30 children at Westview Elementary School through the Sheridan Story project. We also continue to provide for the children and families at Westview Elementary through our Food on the First donations, along with providing shoes and backpacks for the start of the school year.
Our mission at Restoration is to bring hope to a hurting world through a restored relationship with Jesus. We want to be a church that would be missed if we ever left our community. We want people to know how much Jesus loves and cares for them. You are helping to do this by providing basic needs for many people in our community. While I am elated that we are able to serve our community through these ways, I often find myself pondering who benefits more. I pray that you will find time to contemplate the very reason we exist in our community, the reason we exist in our world: Jesus.
With hope,

Michele / Restoration Covenant Church Apple Valley, MN
Hope is on the Way
Most of us don’t like to wait…for anything. Yet, for almost two-thousand years, Christians have ‘started’ their sacred year with Advent: stopping and waiting. The four weeks leading up to Christmas are a time of past and future colliding in the present. It’s a season to remember, prepare, and celebrate, not only Jesus’s first coming, but also His second coming. Hope is on the Way is a series designed to help you hear God’s promises through the centuries, to see Jesus Christ for who He really is, and to celebrate one of the most important events in all of human history: the eternal and almighty creator of the universe becoming human, living among us, and suffering for us so that we could be with God, now and forever.
Kids’ Christmas Program – December 15

The Kids Christmas Program is probably the easiest opportunity to invite your friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers to church with the excuse of seeing adorable kids of all ages shine in the spotlight. We hope you’ll invite others to join us at 10am on December 15 as the kids usher us into a morning of worship that will help brighten your Christmas season. Pastor Rob shares the stage with the children of Restoration Kids as they retell the Christmas story and remind us that Jesus coming to Earth is the real gift of the season. Parents please have your kids to church at 9am on Sunday, December 15.
Christmas Eve Service
We will gather for a special time of worship at 3:30pm on Monday, December 24, at our usual worship location, 14601 Hayes Road in Apple Valley. Child care will be provided for younger children, birth through preschool, and busy bags will be available at the worship services for children in grades K-5. Please visit the information table in the lobby on Sunday for invitations you can share with someone you know. The nursery will be available but unstaffed.
No Worship Service on Sunday, December 29
The holidays are a great time to express our appreciation to all of our volunteers who invest in Restoration’s mission on a weekly basis. Thank you to our amazing team leads and loyal volunteers. We are so thankful for you and all the work you do! We hope you’ll enjoy sleeping in on Sunday, December 29, because we will not be gathering for a worship service that day. However, we do hope you’ll join us that day for…
Sunday Fun Day Luau!
Restoration is going to have a whole lot of luau fun on Sunday, December 29. We’ll meet at the Ministry Center at 10am until 1pm. Staff will provide Hawaiian brunch from 10-11:30am. Stick around for games and conversation. There will also be some great games set up in the large room, but you are welcome to bring your own game as well. This is an “all church” event which means everyone is welcome. Festive luau or Hawaiian attire is encouraged. Contact in the church office with questions.
Restoration Small Groups
Restoration Small Groups exist to help people be known and grow in their relationships with God, the church, and with others far from Christ. If you have a question about our next small group season starting up around mid-January, you can contact Daniel at
Restoration Online Directory
Did you know Restoration has an online directory where you can find photos and contact information for others at church? We would love to have everyone’s picture there as another way to help everyone get to know each other. You can find directions on how to use the directory HERE. Contact if you have any questions.
Join the Setup Team
Are you a behind-the-scenes type of person ready to serve alongside other men and women at Restoration? Do you know someone who could serve in this capacity? If you’re willing to move chairs, do light lifting, and set up the stage and worship area once a month on Sunday mornings, then you’d be a valuable asset on the set up team. At Restoration, the set up team creates the environment where people can encounter God. Michael Van Dyken, the team leader, is looking for volunteers to to serve. To learn more, contact him through
Amazon Smile
If you do any holiday shopping at Amazon, if you go through AmazonSmile it can also be a gift to Restoration. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You have access to all the same items through AmazonSmile. You may want to add a bookmark to make it even easier to start your shopping at AmazonSmile. Sign up and choose Restoration Covenant Church as your organization to support. Thanks in advance for choosing to support Restoration!
Pray or Receive Prayer
Are you gifted at prayer or do you have a prayer request that you’d like to share with our prayer team? We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at
Parents with Young Children Play Group – December 18
Parents and caregivers of littles, are you looking for a place to connect with others during the week while your kids have friends to play with? We’d love for you to join us on the 3rd Wednesday of the month for an informal time of play, connection and prayer! Our next meeting time is December 18th, 9:30-11:30am at Chrystine Vilhauer’s home. Contact with questions or to let her know you’ll be there.
Kids’ Christmas Pajama Party – December 22
As we enter the very busy Christmas week, we’ll be having a fun, relaxing morning in Kids Ministry. Kids in preschool through fifth grade are invited to wear their pajamas for a cozy morning at church. After songs, the kids will be sent to Kids Ministry where we will spend time celebrating Christmas and the hard work of our Christmas Program. We will watch the video of the program together and enjoy some holiday snacks, stories, and crafts.
Daniel Welcome / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Families of Youth Lunch – January 12
These lunches are a wonderful and fun way to get to know other families who have students grades 6-12. Join us on Sunday, January from 12-2pm. Contact with any questions. See you there!
Restoration Students Wednesday Nights
Dec 18 | Jan 8, 15, 22, 29 | Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 | Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 | Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | May 6, 13, 20, 27
Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join us at the Ministry Center (7707 147th St W, Apple Valley) from 6:30-8pm on Wednesday nights for a time of teaching, activities, and groups that focus on encountering Jesus, building meaningful relationships, and restoring hope to the world. If you have a Bible, bring it. Invite a friend!
Middle School Group
Jan 12, 26 | Feb 9, 23 | Mar 8, 22 | Apr 26 | May 10, 24
Students in grades 6-8 begin Sunday mornings in the worship service. On the designated Sundays, they meet in the café for discussion and activities that complement the Sunday morning message.
Join the Students Team
Do you have a passion for working with students? Are you interested in serving Restoration through our Wednesday Night Student Groups? We would love to hear from you! The students team is looking for adult men and women who would like to get involved in being a part of our team. We welcome anyone who loves God and loves the idea of working with students. Contact Daniel Morgenstern.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.