March 18, 2020
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Unashamed / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Shame is a battle we all fight. It can be so powerful. It will try to prevent us from battling it, keep us isolated from others as well as God, and attack our identities. But we don’t have to just take it – we have the choice to battle it.
There is much to be learned from the way David shows up to battle Goliath. David showed up as he was – a shepherd – with what he had – a staff and sling – and boldly trusted God to do the rest. He faced an enemy who was hurling threats and looked very intimidating. But David knew he was not alone. He trusted the Lord of Heaven’s Armies to win the battle for him.
We can fight shame the same way. We show up to battle as we are, trusting God to do the rest. While a slingshot won’t help us much in the battlefield of shame, we do have other weapons at our disposal. We can use the word of God, conversation with God, community and worship to stop shame in its tracks.
The word of God is a powerful weapon. Read it. Study it. Ask God to help you store scripture in your heart and mind so you can recall it when you need it.
When we continue the conversation with God, even when shame begs us not to, even when we feel far from Him, we give God room to move. We give him the opportunity to pull us up out of the mire and back onto solid ground.
We are not meant to live in isolation. Embrace your community. Reach out to them with your shame. Don’t allow shame to live in the dark; shine a light on it.
Worship music is not only for Sunday mornings. It can be used any day of the week to shift your focus from shame back to God. Sing about how good He is. Sing about who He says you are. Maybe all you can do today is listen, and that’s okay. But know that those gentle songs can really be a powerful weapon.
My prayer for you is that you’d continue the fight. That you’d show up to battle with your slingshot. That you’d pick up the weapons laid at your feet and trust the Lord to show up and win the battle of shame for you.

Hilary / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Facebook Live Service

Thanks to everyone who worshipped with us via Facebook Live last week! Did you know that, between you watching, commenting and sharing, we’ve already had 965 views to our live service? What’s way more important than that was the sense of community we experienced while worshipping from the comfort of our own homes. Please know we’re making improvements each week and trying to make lyrics and slide information available.
Here’s how you can prepare for Sunday:

  • Find Restoration Covenant Church on Facebook HERE
  • Share or watch last week again HERE
  • If you want an email invite to next Sunday’s service please email A direct link to the video will be sent 10 minutes prior to the service time. You do not need a Facebook account to view the video. To add comments you will need to login to a Facebook account.

Calling all Writers
The world is changing by the minute. Conversation and connection in this strange time of uncertainty is paramount. Have you experienced new thoughts and emotions stirred up by isolation or having your kids home 24/7? Are your kids experiencing fears or frustrations they want to talk about? We want to hear it if you’re willing to share with us! We’re always looking for writers of all ages and stages to contribute to our News and Notes articles. You don’t have to be an amazing writer, you just need to have something to say or share. Has something you’ve heard or experienced sparked or inspired you? We’d love to hear about it or hear a piece of your story. We also have people to help edit if you have something to share, but aren’t sure how to say it. Contact if you’re interested or have more questions.
Easter Choir (Special Music)
Do you enjoy singing? We need you! We’re looking to build a choir to share special music on Easter Sunday and we’d love to have your voice. Please contact to join.
Current Series
Unashamed: stories of shame, truth, & hope

Whether we realize it or not, all of us carry a spiritual infection…its name is shame and it affects every aspect of our lives: personal, spiritual, vocational, and relational. Shame is universal and yet elusive. It’s sometimes difficult to put into words because it possibly infected us before we had words for it. It causes feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, disgrace, and depression. Shame seeks to disintegrate our minds and our relationships and lock us into invisible prisons. And yet, there is hope. God created a world without shame and He designed us to live in that joyful, creative space. Jesus came to bring us hope, give us sight, and set us free. In this series, we will share stories of shame and see how the truth can break us free from the stronghold of shame.
Online Giving
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. In order to meet the financial goals we believe God is guiding us towards, our church needs an increase of giving of 21% over the next six months. We don’t share this to guilt but to encourage you to be a vital part of our church’s health and growth. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.
Covenant Pines Family Camp
Did you know that several families from Restoration have participated in Covenant Pines Family Camp for the past few years? Covenant Pines family camps are designed to give you quality time with your family. Covenant Pines works hard to provide a loving, exciting, and energizing environment where life-changing moments can happen on a daily basis. They have two programmed Family Camps at CPBC every summer from July 4-7 or August 8-11. Covenant Pines also has their Silver Beach Family Area available all summer for families to have a less programmed, but still very intentional stay. You can pick up a brochure at the info table on Sunday or check out their website HERE.
Join the Setup Team
Are you a behind-the-scenes type of person ready to serve alongside other men and women at Restoration? Do you know someone who could serve in this capacity? If you’re willing to move chairs, do light lifting, and set up the stage and worship area once a month on Sunday mornings, then you’d be a valuable asset on the set up team. At Restoration, the set up team creates the environment where people can encounter God. Michael Van Dyken, the team leader, is looking for volunteers to to serve. To learn more, contact him through
Pray or Receive Prayer
Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at
Small Groups exist to help people be known and grow in their relationships with God, the church, and with others. If you have a question about our next small group season starting up soon, please contact Daniel.
*NEW* Group – Parenting
Kids: the greatest source of joy and terror for a parent. When our kids do something cute or make us proud it is easy to share but what about the other times? What about the tantrums, the selfishness, and the quirks that make us wonder, “what am I doing wrong?” Do we talk about it or do fear and shame get in the way? In our UnaSHAMEd series we are talking about how we are made for and find healing from shame in healthy community. We have several open small groups right now and one starting that is specifically focused on the challenges of parenting and hope we can experience in the midst of it. Contact Ann Fleming or Daniel Morgenstern at
*NEW* Group – Adultish?
Is being an adult still something you do instead of something you are? Does your phone have notes for your taxes saved next to the dankest of memes. Then we have a group for you! Adultish? A group for people somewhere between comic books and National Geographic. Join us at 7pm on April 11 at the Braatens’ house: 17487 Iceland Trl. Lakeville for some board games, snacks, and a chance to talk about how life has changed.
Second Stage Group
Every other Sunday, 6-8pm in host homes
Studying the sermon series
Led by Dick & Patte Klatt
Families of Youth Lunch
2nd Sundays, Noon-2pm
Eating together and fellowship
Led by Kerry Stok
Women’s Small Group
Every other Sunday, 6-7:15pm in host homes
Studying the sermon series
Led by Teresa Slepicka
Family Small Group
Every other Sunday, 5:30-7:30pm in host homes
Studying the sermon series
Led by Nick and Andrea Youngberg
Prayer Group
Every Tuesday, 7-9pm at the Ministry Center
Led by Mary Beshara and Michael Nybakken
Parents with Young Children Play Date Group
3rd Wednesdays, 9:30am-11:30am in host homes
Informal time of fellowship while kids play
Led by Chrystine Vilhauer
Men’s Bible Study Group
Saturdays, 7-8am at the Ministry Center
Studying the book of Revelation
Led by Chad White
Hello families,
I am sure most of you have heard me say before (probably many times) that at Restoration we believe strongly in empowering parents to be the spiritual leaders of their child’s faith. You have so much more time and influence in your child’s life than we ever could. That is especially true now. As parents, you are now not only the most important influence but likely one of the only daily influences our kids have to hear about God’s word and see what that means for our lives. It is also still true that Restoration Kids is here to support you. We are working to make sure you have access to the Bible lesson content your kids would have gotten on Sunday mornings as well as discussion prompts and activities to help engage your child around these topics. We are also working on some creative ideas to help keep the sense of community and fun as the weeks at home continue. Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss anything!
As always, if you have any questions or need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I am praying for your families and want to know how you are doing over the next few weeks!
What We’re Learning in March
March Preschool Image / Restoration Covenant Church Apple Valley, MN
Following the leader is definitely something preschoolers love and understand. What they need to learn is that throughout life there will be countless choices of leaders they can follow. We want them to know who the best leader is to follow. And that is Jesus! Jesus is the best leader we can follow! By the end of this month, when we ask preschoolers who can you follow, our prayer is that they will answer, I can follow Jesus. Why? Because Jesus loves us, and He will always lead us in the best way.
Memory Verse: “Come and follow me,’ Jesus said.” Matthew 4:19, NIrV
March Elementary Image / Restoration Covenant Church Apple Valley, MN
This month, the elementary classes will be taking a look at the connection between forgiveness and God’s character. Throughout the Bible, we can read about the importance of forgiveness. Right from the start, God made a way for Adam and Eve to have a relationship with Him again. The same is true for us. No matter how much we mess up, God will always make a way to forgive us. When it comes to forgiveness, we can also look to Jesus, who chose to forgive even those who were crucifying Him. Because of God’s amazing forgiveness, we should work hard to forgive others.
Memory Verse: “Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13, NIrV
Daniel Welcome / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Students Movie Night – Postponed, new date TBD
Restoration Students Update
Restoration Students and parents, please watch your email for ideas for how to keep your faith in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic. We’re bummed not to be meeting but we want to stay connected so stay tuned for that!
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.