News + Notes 8.30.2023

News + Notes 8.30.2023

New Series: Living In Hope Does it ever feel like life is out of control? Like you woke up one day wondering where am I? What am I doing? And, is this what I really want? Our world is constantly pulling people out of rhythm and towards hopelessness. But Jesus invites...

School Prayer

Prayer Guide We believe in the power of prayer to make a difference in the lives of our students, teachers, and schools. Even if you’re not able to be physically present at one of our schools, you can still be a vital part of our mission by joining us in prayer....
News + Notes 8.30.2023

News + Notes 8.9.2023

NEW! Westview Backpacks + Shoes VBS is a special week for our kids and friends to take their faith to the next level, make new friends and work together to raise money for a good cause in our community. For several years, Restoration has used the money raised by our...
News + Notes 8.30.2023

News + Notes 8.2.2023

NEW! Westview Backpacks + Shoes VBS is a special week for our kids and friends to take their faith to the next level, make new friends and work together to raise money for a good cause in our community. For several years, Restoration has used the money raised by our...
News + Notes 8.30.2023

News + Notes 7.26.2023

A Note from Pastor Rob 3 John 4:4 NIVI have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. Someone recently asked, “I see Pastor Rob has been here the past few Sunday, but he’s not preaching…I’m curious as to why?” It’s a great question, and...
News + Notes 8.30.2023

News + Notes 7.19.2023

Outdoor Worship + Baptism Service August 27 at 10am | Crystal Lake Park, Burnsville, MN Baptism is a very important spiritual milestone for a person who has come to know and love Jesus Christ. If you have felt God’s call to take this step our outdoor worship and...