Mar 8, 2023 | News & Notes
Weekly Lent Devotional “Mourn, my people, mourn.Let your pain rise up in your heart and burst forth in you with sobs and cries.Mourn for the silence that exists between you and your spouse.Mourn for the way you were robbed of your innocence. Mourn for the absence of a...
Feb 21, 2023 | News & Notes
What is Lent and why should we celebrate it? Lent is a 40-day period starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Saturday, during which Christians prepare their hearts for Easter, and draw near to God through the practices of prayer, fasting, and giving. Like...
Feb 15, 2023 | News & Notes
New Message Series When you think about your childhood, school, sports, grades, and even jobs, the things that likely sparked the most celebration, or the most stress, weren’t actually those things–they were the friends who surrounded those things. If you can...
Feb 10, 2023 | News & Notes
February 12 | Big Game Game Night Bring a friend, a board game to play and an appetizer to share for a night of fun as a community. We will have a classroom just for the serious game watchers. Please RSVP to with the appetizer you will be...
Feb 3, 2023 | News & Notes
February 12 | Big Game Game Night Bring a friend, a board game to play and an appetizer to share for a night of fun as a community. We will have a classroom just for the serious game watchers. Please RSVP to with the appetizer you will be...
Jan 5, 2023 | News & Notes
NEW SERIES: Uniquely Restoration Have you ever visited a church and wondered how you could figure out what this community is really like and what do they want to see happen in the world because they exist? Well, since it’s a new year, in a new building and with lots...