News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 8.17.2022

Are you ready to take your Next Step at Restoration? If you have found a home at Restoration, would you consider becoming a member of Restoration Covenant Church?Church membership is about joining with fellow Christ-followers making a commitment to this local church....
News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 8.10.2022

Facilities Team Update The pedal is to the metal friends! The facilities task force team has been working through the due diligence list on the path to purchasing this building. Please be praying for the team and specifically asking God how you/your family can...
News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 8.3.2022

Outdoor Worship and Baptism service will be August 28, 2022 at 10am at Central Park in Rosemount, MN Baptism is a very important spiritual milestone for a person who has come to know and love Jesus Christ. If you have felt God’s call to take this step our outdoor...
News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 7.27.2022

The facilities task force team has been meeting with increased frequency to continue to complete tasks along the path to our new building. In each of these meetings, excitement has been palpably growing with each task completed, each milestone crossed and in every new...
News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 7.20.2022

Upcoming Events at Restoration Thursday, July 21 | Middle School Game Night 6pm July 21-23 Summer Patio Parties Sunday, July 24 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm Tuesday, July 26 | Come and See Prayer 7pm July 27 | KIDS Cliff Fen Park in Burnsville at 10am Sunday, July...
News + Notes 8.17.2022

News + Notes 7.13.2022

Facilities Team Update The facilities task force team is very excited to re-introduce our Facilities updates in News and Notes. It has been quite some time since we have written an update, but God has been stirring, moving and preparing us. As of our last update,...