News + Notes 10.16.2024

News + Notes 10.16.2024

Upcoming Events at Restoration Men’s Bible Study | Saturday’s at 7:30amSunday Morning Worship | 9am + 10:30am Friday, October 18 | Student Bonfire + Bible Study 6:30-8pm Tuesday, October 22 | Prayer Ministry Night 6:30pm  Wednesday, October 23 | Kids Christmas Program...
News + Notes 10.16.2024

News + Notes 10.9.2024

Hey Restoration! October is here, and that means Pastor Appreciation Month is here! Let’s show love and appreciation to Pastor Rob and Michele by filling their mailbox with messages that speak to their soul, letting them know how much their guidance, leadership, and...
News + Notes 10.16.2024

News + Notes 10.2.2024

World Vision Movers Need Our Prayer! Pray for the World Vision Team as they run in the Twin Cities Marathon this Sunday morning! Pray for them to be free from injury and refreshed quickly after the race. Immerse Launch Week Immerse groups will begin meeting the week...

Immerse: Chronicles

Welcome to the Immerse: Chronicles Weekly Reading Schedule! The Immerse Reading Bible is a six-volume Bible using the New Living Translation, created with the intention of increasing readability and improving the Bible reading experience. Chronicles is the sixth and...
News + Notes 10.16.2024

News + Notes 9.11.2024

Two Services Relaunches on September 15! We pray your summer has been filled with faith, fun and fullness! This has certainly been true for our church community. From the beginning of June and even last Sunday, we have experienced several joyously crowded worship...
News + Notes 10.16.2024

News + Notes 9.4.2024

New Series: Get In The Game Jesus had thousands of spectators. People loved to sit on the sidelines to see what miracle or master teaching Jesus would perform. But Jesus had very few fully devoted students; people who let go of what they thought was important in order...