News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 6.8.2022

Annual Vision Meeting | June 26Restoration members and friends, please join us for dinner church and our annual vision meeting at 5:15PM on June 26. There will be a time of reflection, hearing stories of how we have seen God move in the past year, and you will hear...
News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 6.1.2022

Leadership Team NomineesWith joy and gratitude, the Nominating Committee and the Leadership Team would like to present two candidates to join the Leadership Team this summer. The candidates are: Kate Alter and Ray Barriuso. Members of Restoration will have an...
News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 5.25.2022

From Pastor Rob’s HeartAlmighty God,I want to come before you with reverence yet all I feel is anguish and anger for the community of Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo NY and all those senseless massacres that have occurred before.God, you tell the little ones to come to...
News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 5.18.2022

Here’s what’s happening in Worship Ministry at RestorationPerhaps you’ve noticed that we have been blessed with several different people contributing to the leadership of the musical part of our Sunday worship gatherings. We have a great appreciation for all those who...
News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 5.4.2022

Westview Serving SundayOne of our core values is Serving Humbly and you did just that on Sunday. Thank you Restoration for serving our friends at Westview so well! Together we painted, cleaned, cleared out planters, raked and built community with each other. This...
News + Notes 6.8.2022

News + Notes 4.27.2022

Westview Serving SundayTHIS SUNDAY at 10am we will be moving our worship time to Westview Elementary located at 225 Garden View Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Most jobs will be outdoors this year, so be sure to dress appropriately. Please bring gardening gloves, garden...