Weekly Announcements 7.14.2021

Weekly Announcements 7.14.2021

Joining our Hearts, Hands & Funds with Lake Charles, LA Student Mission Team  We are so excited for the team of students and leaders going to Lake Charles Louisiana August 1-6! We know the whole church can’t go, but we want to invite the whole church to pray...
Weekly Announcements 7.14.2021

Weekly Announcements 7.7.2021

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration Sunday, July 11 | In-Person and Online Sunday Service Sunday, July 11 | Student Breakout Sunday + Online Kids Small Group Tuesday, July 13 at 7pm | Come & See Prayer at the Ministry Center Thursday,...
Weekly Announcements 7.14.2021

Weekly Announcements 6.30.2021

Vision Meeting Recap Sunday was such a beautiful ten year birthday celebration and vision meeting! We shared and heard meaningful stories of Restoration from both old and new friends, we heard encouraging ministry updates and a Spirit-filled word from Pastor Rob on...
Weekly Announcements 7.14.2021

Weekly Announcements 6.17.2021

** COVID-19 UPDATE // 6.12.2021 On May 14, 2021, Gov. Walz signed an executive order lifting Minnesota’s statewide mask mandate. This week (June 7), School District 196 also changed their practices and protocols to reflect less regulations and requirements and more...
Weekly Announcements 6.9.2021

Weekly Announcements 6.9.2021

What is the type of worship that God desires? Psalm 51:17 NLT The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. John 4:23 NLT But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father...
Weekly Announcements 6.2.2021

Weekly Announcements 6.2.2021

As many of you may know, Matthew Goerdt has decided to step away from his role as worship director at Restoration. Matthew and his family plan to continue attending Restoration and Matthew desires to offer his worship and musicianship at Restoration. We are so...