News + Notes 2.7.2024

News + Notes 2.7.2024

New Series THIS SUNDAY! Faith in Jesus Christ is not based on blind faith or simplistic hope; it’s based on actual evidence. As an eyewitness to many of Jesus’ miracles, one of Jesus’ closest students, John, reminds us that the miraculous performances of Jesus are not...
News + Notes 2.7.2024

News + Notes 1.17.2024

Vision Update Sunday Join us for our Vision Update Sunday on January 28! This update will be intertwined within the worship service. You will hear how God is moving in and through us and where He is leading.  Curious about faith? Join Alpha! When: Wednesdays at 6-8pm...
News + Notes 2.7.2024

News + Notes 1.10.2024

Upcoming Events at Restoration Saturday, January 13 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am Sunday, January 14 | In-Person + Online Worship 10am Tuesday, January 16 | Ladies Book Group 7pm Wednesday, January 17 | Alpha Begins 6:15pm *All Ages Friday, January 19 | Student...

Divine Declarations

Romans 12:2a NLT  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. God’s word will transform you… if you let it. Two of the most effective ways I let God change the way I think is with...
News + Notes 2.7.2024

News + Notes 1.3.2024

New Series: New Year’s Restorations Welcome to a New Year and the opportunity for a fresh start! Every year, many of us set New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions, yet often find them hard to maintain. But what if this year, we shift our focus...
News + Notes 2.7.2024

News + Notes 12.27.2023

A Message from Pastor Rob As we approach the end of another blessed year at Restoration Church, I would like to share a story that beautifully encapsulates who we are. I was recently reminded again who Restoration is and what God calls us to…I was greeting families...