Acts 1:8 Gathering
Join this month's Acts 1:8 Gathering to learn about an organization practically sharing the love of Jesus in the world: Operation Dignity International (ODI). Led by one of our own, Kathy Sullivan, she co-founded ODI with her late husband, Jim, as a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in Ghana, West Africa. By leveraging natural assets, ODI funds and supports impactful projects that empower communities and create sustainable change. When: DAY CHANGE - Mon, April 7th at 6-7pm Where: VENUE CHANGE - Union 32 CraftHouse, 2864 Highway 55, Eagan, MN 55121 What: We will be joining Kathy at Union 32 as a part of her larger event for the community gathering people on April 7th to learn about her organization. First drink & appetizers on ODI! Non-alcoholic drinks available. This will be our final gathering before breaking for the summer. Acts 1:8 Gathering was launched this fall at Restoration to bring our community together every month into discussion focused on missions. We commit to praying over and becoming more familiar with Restoration's local and global partners at every gathering.