Giving to Restoration Church

God loves a cheerful giver 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. Generosity is a way of life not just something you do. Your heart matters more to God than the amount of money you give. Yes, it is important to give and to use God’s resources that He has given you for His purposes. 

That is why Jesus said,

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” 

Matthew 6:21

Types of Gifts

We receive three types of financial gifts:

  • Tithes – a fixed percentage of income given regularly
  • Offerings – contributing to the mission and ministry of the church
  • Designated Gifts – directed to a particular ministry or missions project

Worship Through Giving

We ask that when you give, as an act of worship, take a moment and pray.  Use your imagination, and pray from your heart! 

Ways to Give

Restoration’s giving platform makes giving easy and secure. Giving can be done via credit/debit card, directly from your bank account through ACH, and now directly by texting any dollar amount to 84321. Both one-time and recurring gifts can be set up. 

Cash Giving

Place cash or checks in the giving station before or after our worship service or mail-in contributions to the Church Office:
16880 Cedar Ave
Rosemount, MN 55068



Charitable IRA Rollovers

Eligible individuals (people over the age of 70 1/2) are allowed to make tax-free distributions from their IRA account for charitable purposes. The distribution must go directly from the IRA Account to the church or charity to qualify for a tax-free rollover. Because no tax is paid, a charitable tax deduction is not available for this type of contribution. Please consult your Financial Advisor, Tax Accountant, or Attorney for tax advice.