
Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Sunday, January 16 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

  • Tuesday, January 18 | Come and See Prayer at Restoration 7pm

  • Sunday, January 23 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

  • Friday, January 28 | Student Game Night at Restoration 6:30-8pm

  • Sunday, January 30 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

  • January 30 | Vision Update Meeting During the Worship Service

  • Tuesday, February 1 | Come and See Prayer at Restoration 7pm

  • Friday, February 4 | Middle School Bible Study 6:30-8pm

  • Sunday, February 6 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

Here’s what we are learning this month in Restoration Kids!


A great storyteller can pull you in and make you forget everything else that is going on around you. They make you feel empathy and conviction for things that really matter. Life lessons are revealed with each word, and you walk away wanting to change and just be a better human. Jesus is that kind of storyteller. Jesus is indeed the master storyteller and there is nothing better than Story Time with Him. When Jesus starts talking, it’s time to listen. Because, Jesus teaches me important things.

“The crowds were amazed at his teaching.” Matthew 7:28, NIV


We trust God no matter what. Even when we face unexpected circumstances, we can respond to them with self-control. We can trust that we don’t need to rush in or take matters into our own hands. We can trust that God is working. Self-control is a Fruit of the Spirit. As we follow Jesus throughout our lives, the Holy Spirit transforms us and helps us live more like Jesus. We can follow His example and choose to do what we should do—instead of what we want to do. The Holy Spirit can give us the power and wisdom to show self-control.

Memory Verse: “God’s power has given us everything we need to lead a Godly life.” 2 Peter 1:3A, NIrV

Save these upcoming events:

  • Friday, January 28 | Student Game Night 6:30-8pm at Restoration

  • Saturday, February 26 | Broomball with Greg Carlson (details coming soon)

  • Thursday, March 10 | FMSC Packing Event 7-8:30pm at Eagan Location

Student Game Night

Ever played Catchphrase? Well what is a group competition, usually played around a table, with pieces and rules. That’s right, a board game. Restoration students is hosting a board game night and you and a friend are invited. January 28th meet at Restoration from 6:30-8pm! We will have party games, some games for 2-4 players, and even some jackbox if you’re up for it. So bring a friend, a game you like, and maybe even a snack to share and let's get playing. Please email Kirk Vilhauer at vilhauer.kirk@gmail.com with questions and to let him know how many are coming in your group.

Middle School Bible Study

The Middle School Bible Study will start back up on Friday, February 4 from 6:30-8pm and will meet every first and third Friday (February 18, March 4, 18, April 1). Pizza will be provided for the first night!

Bring your Bible, a friend and questions you would like answered as we dive in to God’s word together. If you have any questions, contact Paula.