Save these upcoming events:
Friday, January 28 | Student Game Night 6:30-8pm at Restoration
Saturday, February 26 | Broomball with Greg Carlson (details coming soon)
Thursday, March 10 | FMSC Packing Event 7-8:30pm at Eagan Location
Student Game Night
Ever played Catchphrase? Well what is a group competition, usually played around a table, with pieces and rules. That’s right, a board game. Restoration students is hosting a board game night and you and a friend are invited. January 28th meet at Restoration from 6:30-8pm! We will have party games, some games for 2-4 players, and even some jackbox if you’re up for it. So bring a friend, a game you like, and maybe even a snack to share and let's get playing. Please email Kirk Vilhauer at with questions and to let him know how many are coming in your group.
Middle School Bible Study
The Middle School Bible Study will start back up on Friday, February 4 from 6:30-8pm at Restoration and will meet every first and third Friday (February 18, March 4, 18, April 1). Pizza will be provided for the first night!
Bring your Bible, a friend and questions you would like answered as we dive in to God’s word together. If you have any questions, contact Paula Herko.