Big Game Game Night February 12, 2023

February 12 | Big Game Game Night

Bring a friend, a board game to play and an appetizer to share for a night of fun as a community. We will have a classroom just for the serious game watchers. Please RSVP to with the appetizer you will be bringing.

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Friday, February 3 | Brave & Beautiful Women’s Event 7-8:30pm
  • Saturday, February 4 | Men’s Bible Study 7am
  • Sunday, February 5 | In-Person + Online at 10am
  • Tuesday, February 7 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Saturday, February 11 | Men’s Bible Study 7am
  • Sunday, February 12 | In-Person + Online at 10am
  • Sunday, February 12 | Big Game Game Night 5:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 14 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Thursday, February 16 | Radical Youth Night
  • Saturday, February 18 | Men’s Bible Study 7am
  • Sunday, February 19 | In-Person + Online at 10am
  • Tuesday, February 21 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Friday, February 24 – 26 | Middle School Retreat
  • Saturday, February 25 | Men’s Bible Study 7am
  • Sunday, February 26 | In-Person + Online at 10am
    Big Game Game Night February 12, 2023

    Restoration Women

    This will be an evening for women of all ages gathering together to connect, have fun, and hear about our vision for helping Restoration women grow in their relationships with Christ and each other.

    Where: Janae Barriuso’s House at 505 Interlachen Road in Burnsville
    When: Friday, February 3rd 7-8:30 pm

    Online Giving

    There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

    Pray or Receive Prayer

    We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.

    • Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
    • Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
    • We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.


    Restoration Students


      • February 24th-26th // Friday 5pm depart from church – Sunday early evening
      • Cost: $175
      • Who: All 6-8th graders
      • Registration Deadline: February 14th

      We would be partnering with a few other local youth ministries and this will be an awesome opportunity to invite friends, have some fun and take your relationship with Jesus to a new level. If you would like your student to attend, please send a message to Paula Herko. If you need a scholarship to help with the cost of this retreat, there are some scholarships available through Covenant Pines. Let me know and I can send you to the right place to apply.

    Radical Youth in 2023

    Radical Youth is a year long initiative to teach and mentor youth and young adults to be radical for Jesus. They will learn how to heal from past hurts and disconnect from the pulls of this world to allow them to commit fully to Jesus. This is open to 14-22 year olds and will include monthly evening sessions on the 3rd Thursdays

    Parents and other members of the body are encouraged to participate as prayer sponsors and join the sessions. Each youth will have a parent and a second prayer sponsor committed to praying for one year for the youth. Prayer sponsors will be sent weekly emailed prayers to pray which are congruent with the month’s teaching. Prayerfully consider joining for 2023 as the Lord is pursuing the youth! 

    Register Today: