Lent is a part of the Christian church calendar from Ash Wednesday to Easter that commemorates Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and prayer in the desert as He prepared for His public ministry.

Many people who follow Jesus use these 40 days to intentionally draw closer to Jesus, by giving something up or taking something on.

Giving something up is called ‘fasting’ in the Bible, and it often has to do with certain foods. Some people choose to fast from certain foods, like ice cream, alcohol or even meat. Others fast from certain activities, like social media, video games or even complaining. Giving something up can help us recognize their power to distract our attention from God. It can be hard to give it up, but God gives us his presence, power and peace to persevere.

But Lent isn’t only about giving things up. Many people commit to take something on, like specific generosity to the poor, prayer for other nations, or specific Bible reading and reflection during Lent.

We recognize that everyone has diverse interests and needs, so to better serve our growingly diverse community, here are a variety of options for you, your family, or your groups as we begin the Lenten season.

As a church that values community, we invite you to consider asking at least one person in the church to join with you in one of these devotionals or activities.

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Wednesday, February 14 | Ash Wednesday
  • Friday, February 16 | Student Bible Study 6:30-8pm
  • February 16-17 | Women’s Retreat at Mt. Olivet in Farmington
  • Saturday, February 17 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, February 18 | In-Person + Online Worship 10am
  • Wednesday, February 21 | Alpha 6pm *All Ages
  • Saturday, February 24 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, February 25 | In-Person + Online Worship 10am
  • Wednesday, February 28 | Alpha 6pm *All Ages
  • Friday, March 1 | Student Bible Study 6:30-8pm
  • Saturday, March 2 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, March 3 | In-Person + Online Worship 10am
  • Wednesday, March 6 | Alpha 6pm *All Ages
  • Saturday, March 9 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, March 10 | In-Person + Online Worship 10am
  • Tuesday, March 12 | Ladies Book Discussion Group

Covenant Pines FAMILY Camp

Did you know that several families from Restoration have participated in Covenant Pines Family Camp for the past few years? Covenant Pines works hard to provide a loving, exciting, and energizing environment where life-changing moments can happen on a daily basis. They have two programmed Family Camps at CPBC every summer from July 4-7 or August 15-18. Early bird registration ends February 15. Covenant Pines also has their Silver Beach Family Area available all summer for families to have a less programmed, but still very intentional stay. You can pick up a brochure at the info table on Sunday or check out their website.  If your family will be attending Family Camp, please email Paula Herko. 

Covenant Pines SUMMER Camp

Covenant Pines uses Summer Camps to change lives and make Jesus known. Summer camps are designed to encourage growth in all areas of a child’s life while providing a loving, exciting and energizing environment where life-changing moments can happen on a daily basis. Youth camps are available for students in grades 2-12.
Early Bird Registration ends February 15. If your child/teenager will be attending Summer Camp, please send an email to Paula Herko. 

Ladies Book Group

Hello friends who read! Please join us on March 12th at 7 pm for the Ladies Book Group! Each month we take turns picking different books. This month’s read is Braiding Sweet Grass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. We plan to eat together this month because there are so many foods mentioned in the book. It should be a fun night!

We will meet at church and discuss the book and vote on upcoming books. Please join us and bring a friend! Any questions? Call or text Ellie Holmquist at 320-766-3987 or email at ellieholmquist@restorationcov.org

Online Giving

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Pray or Receive Prayer

We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.

  • Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
  • Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
  • We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.