Annual Vision Meeting

Restoration family, you’re invited to join us during the worship service on Sunday, June 25 for our annual church Vision Meeting. We will celebrate what God has done in the past 12 months, where we see God presently, and talk about where we see God leading.

The Leadership Team will share goals and steps they are planning by God’s Spirit to bring Restoration closer to his vision. They’ll also present the budget for the next fiscal year, announce new members, and immediately following the service, members will vote on nominations for the leadership team and the budget. You can learn more about our 2023 leadership team candidates HERE.

Child care provided. Contact

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Saturday, June 17 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, June 18 | In-Person and Online at 10am
  • Sunday, June 18 | Middle School Bible Study 6-7:30pm
  • Tuesday, June 20 | Come + See Prayer Group 7pm
  • Friday, June 23 | ALL FAMILY Skate Night at Skateville in Burnsville. 5-7pm
  • Saturday, June 24 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, June 25 | In-Person and Online at 10am Worship Service + Annual Vision Meeting
  • Sunday, June 25 | KIDS Best Day Ever 12pm-8pm
  • Saturday, July 1 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, July 2 | In-Person and Online at 10am
  • Sunday, July 2 | Middle School Bible Study 6-7:30pm
  • Monday, July 3 + Wednesday, July 4 | Office Closed
  • Friday, July 6 | Parents, Park & Popsicle Night at Bunker Hill 6:30pm
  • Saturday, July 8 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
  • Sunday, July 9 | In-Person and Online at 10am

Online Giving

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Pray or Receive Prayer

We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.

  • Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
  • Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
  • We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.



🎉 Mark your calendars for June 25th from 12pm to 8pm, as we invite you and your children to the Best Day Ever event! Prepare for an unforgettable day filled with learning, fun, and fellowship. Here are the details:

🗓️ Date: June 25th
⏰ Time: 12pm – 8pm

Register by Sunday, June 18

All current Kindergarten through 5th Grade students are invited!
Cost: $15 per student (pay at the event)

What’s in store for your child at the Best Day Ever event?

1️⃣ Bible Lessons: Your child will learn through interactive teaching sessions, focusing on developing good spiritual habits.

2️⃣ Fun Games with Friends: From team-building challenges to friendly competitions, there will be plenty of opportunities to laugh, play, and make memories.

3️⃣ Worship and Crafts: Your child will have the opportunity to express their faith through worship and craft activities that encourage imagination and spiritual growth.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity for your child to have the Best Day Ever! RSVP HERE!


Parents, below is the complete list of ALL Summer events. I can’t wait to get to know each of your families better this Summer as we prepare for a new year in the fall.

Student BIBLE STUDY: 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6-7:30pm at Restoration starting June 4.

  • June 23 // ENTIRE FAMILY: Skate Night at Skateville in Burnsville. 5-7pm (you can stay until it closes at 10pm) 
  • June 25 // KIDS: BEST DAY EVER! 12-8pm Kids will stay at church after service ends, we will play games, complete a service project, eat together and have the BEST DAY EVER! $10 per kid. RSVP to Paula for your current K-5th grader to attend.
  • July 6 // ENTIRE FAMILY Parents, Park and Popsicle Night at Bunker Hill Park 6:30-8pm 
  • July 28 // STUDENTS: Color War Night 6-8pm Joint Youth Night with our friends at Faith Covenant and Catalyst Church. Students will wear white or light colored t-shirts that can be made colorful with chalk. Val Magnuson will be the adult leader for this event as I will not be able to be there in person. We will meet at church at 5:15pm and leave for the event at 5:30pm. Please RSVP to Paula by July 25.
  • August 7-11 // VBS!
    • STUDENTS: I would LOVE for your student to serve at VBS this Summer. I will be talking to your student about service opportunities over the next couple of weeks. By saying YES to serving, they agree to serve with a joyful heart, be helpful, encouraging and supportive to younger kids and be a good role model for everyone at VBS.
    • KIDS: VBS is going to be awesome! Save the dates on your calendar and watch out for the registration form coming soon!

I’m truly SO excited for this Summer! If you have questions, call, text or email.


CELL: 352.408.8720