Annual Vision Meeting Recap

Dear Restoration family and friends,
Last Sunday we had a very special vision meeting. Thank you to Jacob Sturges who coordinated the delightful dinner and all those who helped prepare and serve. We blessed and sent Chris and Becky Davis as they move to La Crosse, WI, we thanked and celebrated Chrystine for her service and leadership as our Restoration Kids Director, we voted in Kate and Ray as new leadership team members, and we voted unanimously to move forward with the purchase of a church building to plant roots in our community!

That’s right! After seven years of searching and looking at over a dozen different buildings, we found a space that fits our budget, meets our short-term needs and possibly our long-term dreams. This space also enables us to continue to focus on ministry to and with our community. We are beyond excited!
Click HERE to watch a replay of the worship service and vision meeting.
Click HERE to read the Vision Meeting Staff Reports.
Click HERE to read the FAQ about the building.

Greg shared the facility next steps in the Vision Meeting. Click HERE to view or review. Our facilities team is working with National Covenant Properties and a real estate attorney to review the purchase agreement. After that is finalized and signed, they will work through the due diligence, which will include opportunities to see the building. We will hold a special congregational meeting later in August to report those findings, explain the financing and vote to approve the church budget.Don shared the incredible story in the growth of our future facilities fund this past year. It is truly inspiring! You can be a part of the story… especially if you haven’t given this year, please send a gift before June 30 to be included as a giving partner in 2022. To give now, click HERE

Thank you for your prayers, partnership and generosity!
With much hope, 
Pastor Rob

Restoration Kids Update

Dear Restoration families, 

The Leadership team is excited to announce that Michele Jacobson will be our interim Restoration Kids Director! Michele has served and led in various capacities in our church, in kids ministry and in the community. She is strategical, organized and prayerful. She will be working with Paula Herko on communicating events, needs and opportunities and would love your help to keep Restoration Kids going strong.

You can reach out to her at She does work full-time in patient care, so she will respond in the evenings and on weekends. Thank you Michele for stepping up as a super-volunteer for this super ministry!

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Sunday, July 3 | Sabbath Sunday at 5:15pm (No in-person service)
  • Tuesday, July 5 | Come and See Prayer 7pm
  • Thursday, July 7 | Middle School Girl’s + Boys Bible Study 7pm
  • Sunday, June 10 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm
  • Wednesday, July 13 at 10:00am | Restoration Kids Summer Pop-Up at Kelley Park
  • July 21-23 Summer Patio Parties (Please RSVP below)

Online Giving

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Pray or Receive Prayer

We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.

  • Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
  • Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
  • We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.

RSVP for a July Patio Party!

This summer, Restoration will be hosting Patio Parties as a way to act on our value of being authentic people living in community with one another. Patio Parties will be a casual way of meeting or getting to know other people at the church. Various hosts will be opening their homes and groups will meet to share a meal and/or drinks on the patio. We would love to have you join us! In July, Patio Parties will be taking place:

  • Thursday, July 21 | Apply Valley (adults only please)
  • Friday, July 22 | Rosemount
  • Saturday, July 23 | Lakeville

RSVP below and your host will send you location details!

What’s Happening in Restoration Kids This Summer

This summer, elementary kids will be having theme nights during our regular class time. Kids will still be sent from worship to their class after songs but things will look a little different. Each Sunday night will have a theme and fun activities that correspond with that theme. This is a great way to make new friends and build community among our kids! 

Our July theme nights are:

  • July 10: Movie Night
  • July 17: Ice Cream Sunday
  • July 24: Christmas in July

Summer Pop-Ups!

This summer, Restoration Kids will be hosting Summer Pop-Ups to have fun and build community among our families. What is a Pop-Up event? A Pop-Up is a little party that we will be throwing somewhere in the area. From parks to the zoo, we will meet up around town to hang out with other Restoration Kids families. These are great events to invite your friends and neighbors! Don’t miss these upcoming Summer Pop-Ups:

  • Wednesday, July 13 at 10:00am | Kelley Park
  • Wednesday, July 27 | Apple Valley Water Park

Restoration Student Parents!

Our Middle School Bible Study on July 7 will meet from 7-8pm. Bring your Bible and a friend!

See you NEXT Thursday!

    Upcoming Student Events at Restoration

    • Thursday, July 7 | Middle School Bible Study 7-8pm
    • Saturday, July 9 | Outdoor Movie Night 8pm (location coming soon)
    • Thursday, July 21 | Middle School Game Night 6-8pm
    • August 4-6 | MUUUCE Middle School Retreat
    • Thursday, August 11 | Middle School Bible Study 7-8pm
    • Saturday, August 27 | Student Kick Off Event (Middle School and High School Students) 5-7pm