Welcome Ellie Holmquist as new lead of First Impressions ministry
We are deeply grateful for Bethany Paul’s leadership in First Impressions since last December when we opened our doors at 16880 Cedar Ave! Bethany’s organization, care and desire to welcome people was just what we needed to launch this ministry. Recently, Bethany asked if First Impressions could or should come under a staff role as we prepare to transition to two services. The leadership team prayerfully discussed this and decided that this is something we should try. They also agreed that Ellie Holmquist would be an excellent choice to lead this important area of ministry. Lindsay Jacobson coming on board has freed up Ellie’s worship coordinating responsibilities, so this is great timing.
Studies indicate that most visitors make a decision about returning to a church within the first 90 seconds upon exiting their vehicle. This underscores the critical role that First Impressions play in creating a welcoming culture at Restoration.
We want people to see waving and smiling faces even before they enter the building. We want people to be greeted in the building and smell the coffee from the cafe. We want greeters who can show people where to go and ushers who can help people find seats when the worship center is full. These are all simple but important ways we let guests know that we see them, welcome them and want to find a place for them. Ellie is excited to make connections with this team and to welcome new teammates. If you would like to find out more, please email ellieholmquist@restorationcov.org or call the church at 952-373-1274.

Pastor Appreciation Month!
Hey Restoration Family! October is almost here, and that means Pastor Appreciation Month is here! Let’s show love and appreciation to Pastor Rob and Michele by filling their mailbox with messages that speak to their soul, letting them know how much their guidance, leadership, and love means to us.
Mail your cards and optional gift cards to the church or drop them off any Sunday in October.
Restoration Church
16880 Cedar Ave
Rosemount, MN 55068
Upcoming Events at Restoration
- Friday, September 29 | Youth Group Bible Study 6:30-8pm
- Friday, September 29 | Women’s Movie + Testimony Night 6:30-9pm
- Saturday, September 30 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
- Sunday, October 1 | In-Person and Online at 10am
- Friday, October 6 | Youth Group Bible Study 6:30-8pm
- Saturday, October 7 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
- Sunday, October 8 | In-Person and Online at 10am
- Tuesday, October 10 | Ladies Book Discussion Group
- Saturday, October 14 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
- Sunday, October 15 | In-Person and Online at 10am
- Sunday, October 15 | SportBall Night at Bunker Hill 4pm
- Friday, October 20 | Youth Group Bible Study 6:30-8pm
- Saturday, October 21 | Men’s Bible Study 7:30am
- Sunday, October 22 | In-Person and Online at 10am
- Friday, October 27 | Family Pumpkin Party 5-7pm
Bible Presentation Sunday | October 1
Hey Restoration families! We’re committed to supporting parents to be the spiritual champion of their children’s faith. We know every child is unique, especially when it comes to their spiritual development. When they hit 2nd grade—a time where reading becomes a bigger part of their world—it’s the perfect chance for them to have their own Bible.
On October 1, parents of 2nd graders and older who have not already received a Bible will be gifted a student Bible to pass on to their child. We’re doing this during worship to underline just how vital our collective support is. We want to rally behind our families and show that we’re all on this adventure with Jesus together.
Let’s celebrate this awesome moment together as our young people explore the wisdom in God’s word!
Parents, if you would like your child to participate in the Bible Presentation, please send an email to Paula Herko, our Family Ministry Director by 12pm on Friday.

Two Services Transition
Have you heard the news? Restoration will be adding a second service this fall! Our target date for the transition is October 29. Click the graphic above to read the FAQ’s that should answer your questions. Stay tuned for a congregational survey coming soon!

Immerse: Poets Launched this week
This fall, let God transform you as you experience the Bible in a new way. Immerse is an invitation to discover God’s story by stepping into it. By reading large chunks of the Bible at a time, having in-depth discussions with one another, and hearing literary and historical perspectives each Sunday, we encounter God’s story, our story, in a whole new way. Pick up an Immerse Bible on Sunday (1 free copy per family) and join in.
Check out our Fall Immerse Small Groups and sign up on our website!

Online Giving
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving regardless of worshipping with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.
Pray or Receive Prayer
We’ve made it easy for you to share your prayer requests.
- Send PRAY FOR ME in a text message to: (833) 482-6846.
- Respond to the message and let us know how we can be praying for you.
- We will respond to let you know when you’ve been prayed for.