Prayer Guide

We believe in the power of prayer to make a difference in the lives of our students, teachers, and schools. Even if you’re not able to be physically present at one of our schools, you can still be a vital part of our mission by joining us in prayer. Use the prompts below:

Students and Parents

Pray for our students as they prepare to begin this new school year. Pray for a sense of peace, anticipation and confidence. Pray for an attitude of cooperation. Pray for their safety and protection. Pray for parents as they prepare to send their children back to school. Help them to be confident of God’s protection for their children. Show them how to be involved in their child(ren’s) education in a way that honors their family and beliefs.

School Administration

Pray for wisdom and guidance regarding the decisions that need to be made for their students and teachers. Pray for protection and peace as they go through each day. Ask God to help them create an environment of unity, cooperation, appreciation and respect on their campus.

Teachers and Coaches

Pray for wisdom, strength, protection and perseverance to fulfill their eternal calling and carry out their responsibilities in a way that honors God. Ask God to give them a sensitivity and care for each student. Pray that teachers and coaches will have a strong sense of how significant their impact is in each of their student’s life.

Support Staff

Ask God to give the support staff an understanding of their importance in the school communities. Pray for their strength, stamina, protection and peace as they deal with the everyday routines and challenges that their job involves.

District Leadership

Pray that they will be given wisdom and discernment regarding the decisions for the students in their county or district. Pray for courage and strength as they strive to address the various needs and demands to do what is best for the students in their county. Pray that there will be unity and like mindedness among the decision makers.

Our Communities

Pray for an attitude of unity, cooperation and involvement among all stakeholders in the communities. Ask God for opportunities that will provide support, encouragement and care for each of our schools so they can thrive. Pray for God’s protection over each community.