Join us at 9am + 10:30am

Our Lord is faithful, and through this faithfulness he has blessed Restoration with growth! One of these areas of growth is in our attendance on Sunday mornings. Attendance has been tracked throughout the year and watched closely in anticipation of moving to two services. Easter Sunday has already been announced that we will host two services, at 9am and 10:30am. This week the decision has been made that we will continue hosting two services after Easter, starting April 7 and into May. Last fall there was a dedicated effort to prepare us for this possibility and that thoughtful planning will now support us in this transition. If you are currently serving or leading a ministry team, expect to hear from staff or your ministry team leader on what this means for your role.

How exciting that our community is growing and in turn presenting this opportunity to our church! As we enter this next season as a body of Christ, we look forward to your continued partnership in restoring hope in Jesus within our community.

Stay tuned for more details during our Sunday services and in upcoming editions of News + Notes. Let’s embrace this opportunity to widen our circle, deepen our connections, and share in the joy of our growing community.