April 1, 2020
Although I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit…
Colossians 2:5
I am with you / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Hello Dear Restoration Family and Friends,
During these unusual circumstances we are living in right now, so many of you have been in my heart and prayers. Praying protection of health, finances, and increased blessings over those I love and in my sphere of influence.
I have not been to work since March 16 as my dental office shut down for non-essential treatment, and is only seeing emergency patients, potentially until the end of April. Even though all of us would not have chosen this current situation, it has provided a time of forced margin for many, me included! I have loved this extended time in my prayer chair to pray, text, and phone call with those I might not otherwise have been able to!
I have seen and heard many examples of the body of Christ reaching out and conveying ways to care for and love on each other during this difficult time. The Lord IS INDEED at work in creative and wonderful ways. Moving His Kingdom forward, connecting with others, taking back the airwaves and using them to declare HIS WORDS!
I would love to share one example from my life: I have been inviting my neighbor to come to church with us for 20 years! Always the same answer, “Thanks Lezlie, but no thanks.” A week ago Sunday I invited her to online church as, “My friend Amy was speaking, and my son Daniel was playing on worship.”
To my awesome surprise, I received a text message from her at 11:15: “Wow. I am so inspired. I watched the entire web cast of your beautiful church today. Music beautiful and tearful. Sermon unbelievable. Seeing our Daniel perform -priceless. I am so glad that you gave me an opportunity for reflection and joy.” If she was the only reason we did online worship, that was victory enough for me!
I am trusting you are finding ways within your small groups, ministry teams, family and friends to continue connecting still, even if virtually. I would encourage you to ask the Lord in prayer if there are people you could reach out to, as a way to let them know they’re thought about and prayed for.
If you have personally experienced or seen examples of the Lord at work in these unusual times, please take a moment to share them with LT members, your small group, ministry team or those in your sphere of influence. These testimonies can be powerful, bring Hope and help shine Light during what can feel like a dark time for some!
If you have any personal needs, prayer requests, or want help with creative ways to connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, LT, staff or our prayer team.
We are all in this together sweet friends! Please know I am keeping you tucked close in my heart and, “Although I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit…” Colossians 2:5
With much love from your First Lady Chair ☺

Lezlie / Restoration Covenant Church in Apple Valley, MN
Church Update

We (the leadership team and staff) have been praying for our church, cities, country and world in this uncertain time. We want you to be aware that the Apple Valley Senior Center (where we gather on Sundays) is still closed and will remain closed through at least April 19. We also know that, through history, the church has always grown through trials and adversity. We believe this time is no different. God is present and in ultimate control even though world events are causing anxiety and fear. You can find our worship services on our Facebook page and Youtube, as well as past messages on iTunes and our website. Our prayer groups, small groups, and student ministry started meeting virtually. You can find more information on our website about ways to connect and engage, as well as the most up-to-date information on gatherings or gathering restrictions.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength!
Facebook Live

Helping kids and parents process, grieve, and cope in the midst of COVID-19
Tune in on facebook live facebook.com/restorationcov at Thursday at 7:15 PM for a conversation between Pastor Rob and Ann Fleming, a Licensed, Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in play therapy with children. They will discuss helpful ways to process, grieve, and care for yourself and others in these uncertain times.
Online Directory

There has never been a more important time to stay connected with others. Don’t forget Restoration has a great online directory to help you stay in touch with your church family. If you haven’t already, please update your picture and contact info on the link below. Need help doing that? Please reach out to Lacey at info@restorationcov.org or check out the directory page on our website.
Small Groups Meeting Online via Zoom

In these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever to have face time with friends and family – even if it’s virtual. We recognize the huge value in this opportunity to stay connected and some of our small groups have formed online zoom chats to stay connected:

  • Women’s Group – Every other Monday at 7pm – led by Erin Garcia
  • Men’s Group – Every Saturday morning at 7am – led by Chad White
  • Prayer Group – Every Monday 7-9pm – led by Mary Beshara and Michael Nybakken

These groups are all easy to join. Please reach out to DanielMorgenstern@restorationcov.org to get connected to these zoom chats or to find the group that fits best.
Virtual Food on the First
This week is the first Sunday of the month, and that means it is our Food on the First collection day. Typically we donate food for Westview Elementary School staff to distribute from a “food locker” to hungry families. Since we are not meeting in person, please send gift cards in any amount for Cub, Wal-Mart or Target directly to Westview Elementary School, c/o Patsy Ryan, 225 Gardenview Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Designated online donations go to The Sheridan Story program.
Facebook Live Service
Thanks to everyone who worshipped with us via Facebook Live last week! Did you know that, between you watching, commenting and sharing, we’ve already had over 1,000 views to our live service? If you’d like to share with friends or family, last week’s service is linked HERE. What’s way more important than views was the sense of community we experienced while worshipping from the comfort of our own homes. Please know we’re making improvements each week and trying to make lyrics and slide information available.
You can find Restoration Covenant Church on Facebook HERE.
Once we start live streaming you can make it easier for your friends to join by clicking the Share button and selecting Start a Watch Party.
If you want direct link to next week’s service please email info@restorationcov.org. An email will be sent 10 minutes prior to the service time and also posted on our website HERE. You do not need a Facebook account to view the video. To add comments you will need to login to a Facebook account.
Palm Sunday

We will be having an online Palm Sunday service, and we would like to add a creative element to our service that involves children! Please ask your children to draw a picture of what Jesus’s Triumphant Entry might have looked like. You can find the passage HERE. Send a picture of the drawing, and one of your child holding the drawing, to matthewgoerdt@restorationcov.org by Thursday at 6pm. We will compile a slideshow to show online on Sunday April 5! If you have any questions, please contact Matthew.
Calling all Writers
The world is changing by the minute. Conversation and connection in this strange time of uncertainty is paramount. Have you experienced new thoughts and emotions stirred up by isolation or having your kids home 24/7? Are your kids experiencing fears or frustrations they want to talk about? We want to hear it if you’re willing to share with us! We’re always looking for writers of all ages and stages to contribute to our News and Notes articles. You don’t have to be an amazing writer, you just need to have something to say or share. Has something you’ve heard or experienced sparked or inspired you? We’d love to hear about it or hear a piece of your story. We also have people to help edit if you have something to share, but aren’t sure how to say it. Contact KerryStok@restorationcov.org if you’re interested or have more questions.
Online Giving
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. In order to meet the financial goals we believe God is guiding us towards, our church needs an increase of giving of 21% over the next six months. We don’t share this to guilt but to encourage you to be a vital part of our church’s health and growth. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.
Covenant Pines Family Camp
Did you know that several families from Restoration have participated in Covenant Pines Family Camp for the past few years? Covenant Pines family camps are designed to give you quality time with your family. Covenant Pines works hard to provide a loving, exciting, and energizing environment where life-changing moments can happen on a daily basis. They have two programmed Family Camps at CPBC every summer from July 4-7 or August 8-11. Covenant Pines also has their Silver Beach Family Area available all summer for families to have a less programmed, but still very intentional stay. You can pick up a brochure at the info table on Sunday or check out their website HERE.
Pray or Receive Prayer
Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at prayer@restorationcov.org
Contact: ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org
Hello families,
I am sure most of you have heard me say before (probably many times) that at Restoration we believe strongly in empowering parents to be the spiritual leaders of their child’s faith. You have so much more time and influence in your child’s life than we ever could. That is especially true now. As parents, you are now not only the most important influence but likely one of the only daily influences our kids have to hear about God’s word and see what that means for our lives. It is also still true that Restoration Kids is here to support you. We are working to make sure you have access to the Bible lesson content your kids would have gotten on Sunday mornings as well as discussion prompts and activities to help engage your child around these topics. We are also working on some creative ideas to help keep the sense of community and fun as the weeks at home continue. Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss anything!
As always, if you have any questions or need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org. I am praying for your families and want to know how you are doing over the next few weeks!
What We’re Learning in April
April Preschool Image / Restoration Covenant Church Apple Valley, MN
Everywhere we look in spring we see green starting to push through the soil and trees heavy with buds getting ready to bloom. Everything just feels so ALIVE! It’s the perfect picture to help teach preschoolers that Jesus is alive! We are sharing with preschoolers the life changing truth that Jesus is alive and He wants to be their friend forever. We are planting seeds that we pray will grow and bloom into a faith that is as alive as Jesus. A love that will love like Jesus. A compassion that will care like Jesus. A life that will give like Jesus.
April Elementary Image / Restoration Covenant Church Apple Valley, MN
We live in a me-centered world, where people act as if the world revolves around them. Figuring out how to be humble can be difficult. But we don’t have to figure this out on our own. When Jesus was on earth, He gave us the ultimate example of humility. Jesus is God, and He put that aside for us. Through His life and death, He also showed us how to serve others and put them first.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.