As we close out a remarkably challenging year and enter a new one, let us make space to breathe. Even though the season is uncertain, one thing is certain. Jesus is alive and the only answer for our time. His death and resurrection prove he was who he said he was and that everything he said was true. Through the power of his Spirit, Jesus is with us. He is our help and our hope. Whatever concerns we may have or circumstances we may find ourselves in, Jesus invites us to come to him, breathe, and embrace his words: I AM. This 2021 Week of Prayer called Breathe Together focuses on one of Jesus’s I AM statements each day of the week. The prayer includes a reflection, an image, and breath prayer prompts. We encourage you to use these as starting points to draw us closer to Jesus and listen to what he may be saying to us. 

If you would like to join us in this week of prayer, click the button below and we will sign you up to receive the prayer as a daily email for the week. (We can send it in Spanish as well, just let us know.)  

 January 17, 31, February 14, 28
IN-PERSON + ONLINE SUNDAYS: January 10, 24, February 7, 21


Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration:

  • January 11-17th: Week of Prayer
  • Sunday, January 31st | Vision Update Meeting
  • Saturday, February 27 | Sledding at Whitetail Woods Regional Park

Hello Friends, we have a problem. At Restoration we have a wonderful tradition of providing Food on the First to Westview Elementary. These food donations were an awesome way to live out our value of being a church that our community would miss if we were gone. Because of the changing realities of Covid though, Westview’s food needs have been put on hold. 

SO, the problem is how do we use our dormant food donation habit to continue honoring Jesus? Well the answer, as it turns out, is pretty easy. Until Westview needs us again, we will be donating to 360 Communities instead. They help coordinate food shelves and distribution centers all over the south metro so they are, in a way, already our partners in caring for this community. Check out their website for details on what items they need and who they are.

Starting January 17th we are asking that you take the time each day to set a food item aside in a collection box (any box will do) at your home. Use that daily moment to remember and pray for those in our community that were already hurting even before the virus. Pray that they will find Jesus and that he will bless them as he has blessed us. After 2 weeks (January 30th), bring the box to the ministry center for us to collect and donate. Please call ahead to coordinate contactless drop off (952) 373-1274. It’s a new year, let’s start it off right! 

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. Also, TEXT any dollar amount to 84321.

Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at

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January is traditionally a time to examine our habits and dream of better routines. What if this year instead of dreaming you acted? Community is always vital but in these times it doesn’t happen by accident. To succeed spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally we need to actively seek out dependable people to partner with. People that will lift us up, keep us accountable, and share life. Don’t just try to read your Bible more, or hope to find friends you can share with, join others that are already working on it. Restoration Small Groups are teams waiting for you to join. You need them and they need you. They need your presence, personality, and passion; everything that makes you unique. As they encourage you they need you to encourage them. This January, Restoration needs you to join in. Next week we will share a list of groups for 2021. 

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Restoration Kids on Sunday Mornings 
Restoration Kids will begin meeting in person again this Sunday, during in person worship services. Virtual classes will continue to meet on the Sundays that worship services are online only.

In-Person: January 10, 24, February 7, 21
Virtual class: January 17, (skip January 31 for vision meeting), February 14, 28

See below for more details and reach out to Chrystine at if you have any questions!

Restoration Kids In-Person Sunday Morning! 
Before our in person services you can pre-check your kids into Restoration Kids and use contactless check-in by downloading the app (see instructions below).
After checking in, kids will enter the worship center with their family. Following the kids’ blessing song, kids will line up with their class by the coffee area, while maintaining a physical distance of six feet. Their teachers will walk them to the Ministry Center in the adjacent building. Immediately after worship service, follow the signs on the Ministry Center door to check-out your child.

Restoration Kids classes will look a little different as we start again. Here is what you need to know:
+Instead of starting in large group, kids will go straight to their small group lesson time
+Masks will be worn by both adults and kids
+All efforts will be made to distance when possible and there will be no activities that involve extended periods of closer than six feet
+Each kid will have their own bag of supplies that they will use each week
+High-touch surfaces will be sanitized before and after classes
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We will continuing our online Student Gathering on Zoom in January. Don’t miss out, join the fun, and invite a friend!

View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.