As a Christian I always get excited when I witness a baptism. It is a special time for that person and even as a stranger you can feel the power and meaning emanating from the moment. So when I get to see a friend and in this specific case one of my Students baptized it is a worship experience. Listen to this testimony from Ava.
“When I was about 5 years old, I accepted Jesus into my heart. Since then, I have grown in my relationship with God and I feel like this is the next step in my faith. Baptism is about publicity committing your life to Christ. It is a reminder that He died and rose again for me so my sins could be washed away. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I want to commit my life to him and continue to grow in my faith.”
Isn’t that amazing! This young woman has followed Jesus since she was 5 years old! She wants her commitment to be known; to let her fellow believers celebrate her growing faith with her! Doesn’t that inspire you?! Baptism is special because we all get to celebrate faith alongside Ava. We can celebrate the person Jesus has made her, how he is shaping her life, all the wonders he has in store for her and also; the people Jesus has made us, how he is shaping us, all the wonders he has in store for us. So if you get the chance let Ava know how happy you are for her and remember what the symbol of baptism means for all of us.
With hope,

*NEW* Westview Serving Needs
Since the birth of Restoration 10 years ago, we have had the privilege of having a wonderful relationship with Westview Elementary School and their social worker Patsy Ryan. It has been our desire as a church to help meet the needs of the Westview community. We have been providing food for their food locker once a month, we support many students through the Sheridan story food outreach, and we have provided hundreds of shoes and backpacks over the years.
With the changing needs during Covid, Patsy has requested that we continue to collect athletic shoes for the students rather than collecting food gift cards. Please keep this need in mind and consider purchasing a pair of athletic shoes WITH a gift receipt. Any kid’s size and color will be much appreciated! Please contact the church office at 952-373-1274 to schedule a time to drop shoes off at the ministry center. Please contact Michele Jacobson with questions at
*NEW* Say Hello to Paula Herko
As the seasons continue to change we are excited to announce a new addition! Welcome Paula Herko as our interim Admin! She is excited to meet you and get to know Restoration’s ministry. You can contact Paula by email:
New Look Where We Meet
If you are joining us in-person on October 11, or October 25, you may notice a different look at 14201 Cedar Avenue where we meet. That is because the congregation of The Mount voted on August 30 to become the Apple Valley campus of a church named Bethel’s Rock. This really doesn’t change anything for Restoration but we thought you might want to know. In a meeting with Bethel’s Rock lead pastor and the Apple Valley campus pastor on September 9, they told Pastor Rob that they would honor the one-year lease agreement. We wish the best to the community of The Mount, now Bethel’s Rock: Apple Valley campus, and our prayer is that more and more people come to know and love Jesus Christ in both of our churches. If you have further questions, please contact our Leadership Team at
Fall Schedule
In-person and Online Sundays – Oct 11, 25
Arrive before 10am to grab a chair and be a part of our “studio congregation” at The Family Life Center Building at 14201 Cedar Avenue, Apple Valley, or tune in at 10am for our live stream on Facebook or our website For parking and worship follow the Restoration sign.
For complete information about our in-person guidelines, click HERE.
Online Only Sundays – Oct 18
Tune in at 10am for our live stream on Facebook or our website Host a watch party and invite some friends to join you in-person or in a digital small group to connect and grow.
Immerse: Beginnings at Restoration
These days more than ever we need a hopeful story of God taking care of His people. It feels like divine planning then that our goal has us slotted to read Immerse: Beginnings. Starting September 28, we will be reading Immerse: Beginnings; finishing the entire Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) in 8 weeks. What better way to combat fear and uncertainty than reading the promises of God? For those 8 weeks, Pastor Rob will preach about the week’s reading and small groups will discuss what they have read in a format similar to that of a book club, and the students will be studying the same material. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we can provide one free Immerse: Beginnings book per family, with additional copies available for $5 per book. Join us as we find hope and comfort in the beginning of God’s story. To find out more or to join a small group, contact
How you can participate – Weekly sermons, join a small group, follow the Reading Plan, read the Family Discussion Guide with your family, watch the weekly videos or listen to the audiobook free HERE.
How you can get a book (or Family Guide) – In-person services, pick up from the Ministry Center during the week, call or email the office for delivery, or buy the e-book.
Online Giving
There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.
Name Tags
We’re excited to create new name tags for everyone in our Restoration community. These name tags will include your picture to allow everyone to see your smile while we’re safely following mask guidelines when we gather in person. If you’d like us to make you a permanent name tag, with or without a picture, please email We’ll update the directory with your new image as well. We’ll have a rack to keep the name tags between Sundays but you’re also welcome to bring them back and forth if you’d rather.
Pray or Receive Prayer
Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at

We’re very excited to launch a new season of small groups. If you’re looking for a deeper connection with others, we highly encourage you to plug in to one of the small groups below. Most of these groups will be studying Immerse and starting late September, and there are options for both in-person and online groups. If you’re interested in joining one of these groups or would like to better understand which group is the best fit for you or your family, please contact Daniel or the leader directly.
- Family Group Lakeville (In Person)
Sundays at 11:30am at the Zaffkes’ Home
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Amy and Garrett Zaffke - Second Stage Group (Online)
2nd and 4th Sundays at 6pm on Zoom – starts Oct 11
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Patte Klatt and Christa Young - Women’s Group (In Person)
Sundays at 6pm at the Ministry Center – next Oct 11
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Ellie Holmquist - Family Group Farmington (In Person)
Sundays at 7pm at the Carlsons’ Home
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Greg and Stephanie Carlson - Online Group (Online)
Sundays at 7:30pm on Zoom
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Matthew and Amanda Goerdt - Prayer Group (Online Option)
Tuesdays at 7pm at the Ministry Center and on Zoom
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Michael Nybakken and Mary Beshara - Men of the Wilderness (Online Option)
Fridays at 6pm at the Sorensens’ home and on Facebook
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Michael Sorensen - Men’s Group (Online)
Saturdays at 7am at the Ministry Center and on Zoom
Studying Samuel
Led by Chad White - Adultish (In Person)
Saturdays at 6:30pm at Daniel’s Home
Studying Immerse: Beginnings
Led by Catherine Braaten and Daniel Morgenstern
You are invited to Family Game Night!
We want to stay connected and have fun through these times, so every Monday from 7:30-8:30pm we will be gathering through Zoom to play some fun party games together! No installation or purchase required. Anyone age 12+ can join the game via computer, phone, or any other device that can browse the internet. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please contact Matthew at:
Sunday Coffee Time
Are you missing after service chats by the coffee cart? Join us after the message Sunday on a zoom call for our virtual coffee meeting; we’ll bring the company you bring the coffee. We will break up into groups of 3-4 callers to give you a chance to chat and check in on folks you might not have connected with otherwise. Use this link to join. A link will also be posted in the chat at the end of the service on Sunday.

Restoration Kids Nursery
Beginning Sunday, October 11, the Restoration Kids nursery will be open during the Sunday morning worship service. Preschoolers (kids ages 3-4) will be able to join us in the nursery until our preschool classroom reopens. Parents will check kids in at the table in the entryway when they get to church that morning, or try our new contactless check-in from your mobile device (read below for instructions).
You will receive a name tag sticker for your child and another label for you to keep and present when you pick your child up. All adult volunteers will be wearing face coverings. Face Coverings for children under the age of 5 are optional.
- Parents are asked to maintain a distance of six feet between those around them while waiting in line for the check-in table, dropping children off in the nursery and picking children up at the end of service.
- All toys will be rotated so that the same bin of toys is only being used once a month. Toys will be cleaned after each Sunday morning.
- Volunteers will do their best to remove toys from play if they have been in a child’s mouth.
- High touch surfaces will be sanitized before and after class each Sunday morning.
Elementary classes are scheduled to begin again on Sunday, October 25.
NEW! Restoration Kids Contactless Check-In
We are introducing new contactless check-ins for Restoration Kids. Watch this video for more information:
First, you will need to download the Church Center App. After you choose Restoration as your church and enter your phone number, the app should be able to access your family information. After you have checked in each of your kids, the app will creat a QR code. When you get to church, use the self check-in station to scan that code. Your child’s sticker name tag will print. You can use the QR code on your phone to pick up your child at the end of service. No more lost pick-up stickers! Contact if you have any questions.
Restoration Kids’ Lessons
We believe that every moment with your kids matters and that as parents, we have the opportunity to impress Biblical truth in a kid’s life, especially during these unprecedented circumstances.
Follow this link and click “watch at home” to access each week’s video lesson that your kids can complete on their own or with you.
Pumpkin Carving Party!
Join us on October 24th from 2-4pm for our annual Pumpkin Carving Party! Things will look a little different this year but we are excited to join together while we carve our pumpkins outdoors, play games and have some socially distanced fun. We’ll have carving tools on hand or you can bring your own. This year we will meet outside our Ministry Center (14201 Cedar Ave). Contact Chrystine with any questions.

Student Gathering
Friends, games, small group discussions, and of course, the one-of-a-kind Daniel’s Video Library of Excellence are all happening every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm, at the Ministry Center (new location: 14201 Cedar Ave)! Bring a friend to join in the fun, we have plenty of space to welcome them. Hand sanitizer will be provided and masks are required while inside. Please reach out to Daniel Morgenstern by email or call him at 952-686-8408 with any questions or concerns. See you soon!
Students Immerse Experience
God’s Story isn’t just for adults! Restoration Students Ministry is excited to launch into Immerse Beginnings. Starting October 7, Student Gathering will draw the teaching and small group discussion from the previous week’s Immerse reading. This way, students will be getting a taste of what the rest of the Church is reading through.
We also ask that parents encourage their students to take part in the Immerse reading as well. If the amount of reading is intimidating, please consider the Family Guides which breaks up the reading into shorter devotionals. You can pick up the Family Guide along with your Immerse: Beginnings book or download one yourself HERE. You could go through the devotional as a family or students could read through them on their own. Whatever method you choose, please encourage your student to join in. We have the opportunity to have the entire church reading through the same passages together! It won’t be the same without them! So, please invite them in, they can’t say “yes” if you never ask.
View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.