Dear Beloved Restoration Community, 

With the rise in COVID-19 cases in our communities, our Leadership Team met and discussed the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual factors in continuing to have in-person worship gatherings. We also noted that while many people have many opinions about what others could or should do, there is also so much shaming and blaming happening in public spaces as well. Ultimately, through collaborative and grace-filled leadership, our Leadership Team made the decision to shift the first three Sundays of December to online only worship services. This includes moving our kids and student ministry to digital spaces for December, as well. While no decision in this matter is an easy decision, making this temporary shift will protect and sustain our worship and tech volunteers who continue supporting our live-stream service. What we do believe is that the church is not, and never has been, closed. We also believe church is more than live-streamed services. As our Restoration mission states, we are a community of people being restored by Jesus to bring hope to the world. Our vision is applied through worship, discipleship, community, and outreach and we encourage you to be creative in how you express and expand in those areas. Additionally, our staff and leadership team are also implementing a few initiatives to journey together at this time. 

You and/or your small group may continue to meet for prayer and/or scripture study by utilizing space at the church provided following our COVID-readiness plan, which includes no food being served or shared during this time. We also have a church Zoom account for groups to meet virtually. 

We are planning and praying to welcome you to an in-person Christmas Eve Gathering at 3:30pm at 14201 Cedar Avenue, Apple Valley. Check our website and social media for details as we get closer. 


CHRISTMAS NIGHTS OF FUN! This Christmas will no doubt have a different feel to it, but, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the season, get creative on how we connect together and have fun! Every Monday night we are hosting a virtual night of fun for our entire community! 

  • DEC 7th at 7pm | Gingerbread House Contest on Facebook Live Hosted by Pastor Rob: Gather graham crackers, icing and your favorite gingerbread house supplies and get ready for an epic battle! The Facebook Live will start at 7pm. As you watch the Facebook Live you can request to join the LIVE and show everyone your gingerbread house as you decorate it! Then we will vote for the winning gingerbread house! 
  • DEC 14 at 7pm | O Christmas Tree! hosted by Matthew: Join in on our Facebook LIVE event to give a tour of your Christmas decorations and share Christmas joy with each other!  
  • DEC 21st | Happy Birthday Jesus Party: Bake a cake and have a birthday party for Jesus during the week of December 21st. Post a picture of your party on the Advent Challenge post for the week and together let’s celebrate the birth of our Savior. 

One of our favorite traditions this time of year is having Restoration Kids tell the story of Jesus’ birth in their annual Christmas Program. This year, the Christmas Program will look different but the show will go on! The kids have been working hard the past few weeks preparing and recording their program. Be sure to watch during the live stream on Sunday, December 20 as Restoration Kids share the wonder of our Savior’s birth. Invite your friends and family to join us for this special service!

While the last few months have been difficult for everyone, families especially are feeling an enormous amount of pressure right now. Distance learning, loss of activities/community and balancing work obligations with kids at home are just a few challenges that families are facing. In an effort to support families in our church community, we are starting an Adopt a Family Initiative. We are asking those of you without kids at home to sign up to support a family in our church by committing to pray for them on a regular basis for the remainder of the school year. We will also give you suggestions on other ways to encourage your family through words and acts of kindness. If you would like to support a Restoration family, please contact Leanne Esch at

Download the 2020 ReDiscover Christmas Advent Reading Plan on our website or watch a short daily video of the devotional on Facebook or Instagram.

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.

Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at

Join us for quiet prayer and a time to focus on God’s story this advent season. Sundays from 7pm-8pm // Dec. 6, Dec. 13, & Dec. 20. To be included in this ZOOM gathering, send an email to
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With the new State restrictions, Small Groups at Restoration will be pivoting slightly. We are asking that those groups who were meeting in person respect the new guidelines of not holding gatherings in their home. That being said, there are options to still meet. Restoration is willing to sponsor groups as ongoing events at the Ministry Center if those groups follow the Church’s guidelines. Also the Church has a Zoom account that can be used for any group that might need it. Community is so important, friends! Please keep finding ways to seek Jesus together; you’ll be glad you did. 

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Restoration Kids Advent To Go Boxes 
Restoration Kids wants to help your family enter the Christmas season in a way that is meaningful and focused on the hope of Christ, so we are once again offering Advent To Go boxes. Each box contains an activity booklet with weekly family readings and fun activities to help your family connect and celebrate the birth of our Savior this Advent season. Over the next few weeks, join us on our Facebook page where we will be posting weekly challenges for you to participate in as a family. If you have not received a box by this Saturday and would like to take part, contact and we will be sure to get you one.
Restoration Kids will be offering a virtual class this Sunday after the online worship service. Kids in Kindergarten through fifth grade are encouraged to join as we learn about the Bible and apply it to our lives through discussion and activities. Make sure kids have their Bibles handy! The link will be posted in the comments at the end of Sunday’s service or use this link.
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December has come and as promised we have made a decision. We will be hosting Student Gathering on Zoom for the next four weeks. We will miss seeing you but it’s not a complete bummer. Student Gathering on Zoom was fun last time and we’re not just doing a repeat. We’re trying new games, new methods, and maybe even some new platforms. Don’t miss out, join the fun, and invite a friend!

View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.