
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6

Dear Restoration Family,

Year End Giving – 2021
Would you consider a year-end financial gift to Restoration Covenant Church? You can
give online HERE until 11:59pm EST on Friday, December 31 for your contribution to be counted toward your 2021 giving. If you would like to give the gift of stock or securities, please reach out via email to finances@restorationcov.org. Thank you for your continued support of God’s mission through Restoration!

As we near the end of 2021, we are overwhelmed with gratitude of what God has been doing in and through Restoration church this past year. It’s been full of transitions, new beginnings and new life in Christ. Through your generosity, we are sharing the good news of Jesus in the Burnsville, Apple Valley and beyond. Missionaries Jeff and Darlene Anderson and their partners in the Middle East and North Africa are showing and sharing Jesus’ love and salvation with your support. 25 students and their families have food on the weekends through our partnership with Every Meal and Westview Elementary School. In addition, we partnered with the Westview social worker to provide 78 gifts for five Westview families and a gift to each of the 76 staff at Westview!

There are many more stories to share… Please join us January 30 for our vision update meeting to hear more ways God is at work.

Upcoming Events at Restoration

  • Friday, December 24 | Christmas Eve Service 5pm

  • Saturday, December 25 | Merry Christmas!

  • Sunday, December 26 | Sabbath Sunday (No Gathering)

  • Sunday, January 2 | Sunday Funday 1-3pm (see details below)

  • Tuesday, January 4 | Come and See Prayer at Vendella 7pm

  • Sunday, January 9 | 5:15pm Launch of our new message series!

  • Tuesday, January 11 | Come and See Prayer at Vendella 7pm

  • Sunday, January 16 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

  • Tuesday, January 18 | Come and See Prayer at Vendella 7pm

  • Sunday, January 23 | In-Person + Online at 5:15pm

We will provide cups, Hot Water, packets of Hot Cocoa and Apple Cider as well as firewood for a warm fire!