Negativity, Political division, Racial tension…pandemic, stay-at-home, uncertainty. It’s tough to think of starting the new year off with fresh perspective and new resolutions. But what if it’s not about what you need to gather up the energy for and instead about embracing the mind of Christ. Invite someone to join in on the conversation and together, let’s grow as we step into a new year.

ONLINE SUNDAYS: January 3, 17, 31, February 14, 28
IN-PERSON + ONLINE SUNDAYS: January 10, 24, February 7, 21


Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration:

  • THIS SUNDAY | A new series about having the mind of Christ: Mental Gymnastics
  • Saturday, January 23 | Parenting Workshop (details coming soon)
  • Sunday, January 31st | Vision Meeting
  • Saturday, February 27 | Sledding at Whitetail Woods Regional Park

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Because our regularly scheduled worship service will be online for the next few weeks, online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving even in the most uncertain of times. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE.

Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at prayer@restorationcov.org

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January is traditionally a time to examine our habits and dream of better routines. What if this year instead of dreaming you acted? Community is always vital but in these times it doesn’t happen by accident. To succeed spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally we need to actively seek out dependable people to partner with. People that will lift us up, keep us accountable, and share life. Don’t just try to read your Bible more, or hope to find friends you can share with, join others that are already working on it. Restoration Small Groups are teams waiting for you to join. You need them and they need you. They need your presence, personality, and passion; everything that makes you unique. As they encourage you they need you to encourage them. This January, Restoration needs you to join in. Next week we will share a list of groups for 2021. 

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Restoration Kids will be offering a virtual class this Sunday after the
online worship service. Kids in Kindergarten through fifth grade are encouraged to join as we learn about the Bible and apply it to our lives through discussion and activities. Make sure kids have their Bibles ready! The link will be posted in the comments at the end of Sunday’s service or use this link.
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We will continuing our online Student Gathering on Zoom in January. Don’t miss out, join the fun, and invite a friend!

View past News & Notes by clicking HERE.