Facilities Team Update: 5/26/2021

The facilities task force team continues to meet to pray, plan and prepare for finding Restoration’s next physical space and location. We want to share a few updates about progress to you, the church body, on a regular basis so that you can stay apprised of major movements on the front of finding our next home. This is our third update and in closer succession to the last one because of a week full of the Lord opening doors for Restoration!


First, what a blessing it was to hear what the Lord spoke into Linda at the conclusion of this past Sunday’s worship about the vision of Restoration’s next home and His desire to plant us into our community to allow us to grow roots to further impact those around us. You could feel the Spirit delivering a very timely message to the congregation through Linda. Amazing! If you missed it, check out the recorded service on FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE or www.restorationcov.org.


During her message, Linda had mentioned the blessing we’ve received of an extra month of time on our current lease. This is no small thing and clearly God changing hearts to help us with our worldly timetable. We have a verbal agreement from our landlord(s) for the extension and the paperwork is in process as you read this. Please pray that an official agreement is signed to give us the much needed time to make our move a smooth transition.


The word of the week amongst the facilities team could be: “Traction”. Exciting progress on two potential sites was made and an ad-hoc facilities team meeting was called on Saturday (prayers answered that all of our schedules allowed this spur-of-the-moment). We deeply analyzed both options as they are considered hot properties on the market and could sell to other potential buyers at any moment. The analysis left one rising up as more clearly aligned with our needs, especially with respect to cost and future growth potential and is being considered as the leading contender of the entire search so far, meriting it being brought to our conference and national leadership as well as Restoration’s leadership for review and additional input before coming to the congregation. 


So what can YOU expect looking forward? Expect to be involved! There may be, for example, a brief survey to help us know the needs and desires of each attender and family. There may be questions for you from our leadership team as we report this week’s findings to them for consideration. There will be an asking of commitment to generously give to the financial aspect of what will be needed for Restoration’s move. And there absolutely will be the need for you to continue faithfully praying over it all. There was undoubtedly a sense over this past week that those prayers are being answered in big ways. Thank you for praying and participating!
Did you know that this past Easter marked 10 years since Restoration’s grand opening? For the past several months, we have been wondering when we could celebrate this milestone in the midst of a pandemic, but with more vaccinations and fewer restrictions, we set the date for June 27. We will look back at where God has brought us and look ahead to where he is leading us.

We will share stories, pictures and prayers, and we need your help! 
  • Do you have a story where God used someone or something at Restoration to move, change or grow you?
  • Do you have a picture that encapsulates one of our values or is especially meaningful to you?
  • Would you be willing to share these with us?
We are looking for contributions from across the ten years: stories of impact and life change, stories of victories and celebrations, stories where God became very real, stories of something you found at Restoration. You can write something and send it in. You can share pictures or record a video testimonial.

We would love to see a variety of faces and God-sightings to celebrate meaningful moments and share ‘happy birthday’ greetings. If you have ideas, contributions or questions, reach out to Lezlie Steiner or Paula Herko. We would like to finish compiling these by June 9.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration
  • Sunday, May 30th | In-Person + Online Sunday
  • Tuesday, June 1st at 7pm | Come & See Prayer at the Ministry Center
  • Wednesday, June 2nd 9:30-11:30am | Pray and Play
  • Friday, June 4th | Students Nerf War
  • Sunday, June 6th | Celebrating Matthew Sunday
  • Sunday, June 6th | High School Senior Honor Sunday
  • Wednesday, June 19th 9:30-11:30am | Pray + Play
  • Sunday, June 27th | Vision Meeting + 10 Year Birthday Celebration

Restoration Connections is an additional way to know one another. Connections is a place to share testimonies, deaths, births, medical issues, milestones, really, any cause for joy or sorrow that we can invite each other to celebrate and to pray about. Restoration Connections will be emailed twice per month. This will not be posted on the RCC website; it is an internal communication for those who desire to know and be known by others who consider Restoration their church family.  

To sign up to receive Restoration Connections, or to share something that is happening in your life, send an email to Janae Barriuso: connections@restorationcov.org. 

***Please note that we will not share information on behalf of someone else unless direct permission is given. We encourage you to tell your own stories in your own words. If permission is given, we will include the subject’s email so people can send a note of support and encouragement. 

There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving whether you choose to worship with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.

Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at prayer@restorationcov.org
What We Are Learning in May

This month, we are learning about commitment as making a plan and putting it into practice. Growing in faith is not something that happens by merely cramming more information about the Bible into a child’s brain. All of that knowledge in their head means nothing if we don’t help kids experience what that knowledge can do in their hearts. To fully experience faith, we want kids to practice their faith. And that takes commitment.

“Training the body has some value. But being Godly has value in every way. It promises help for the life you are now living and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8, NIrV

VBS is back this year! This summer, we are making some changes to the format. Instead of a full week of VBS, we are going to spread the fun over the course of several weeks. We are still working out many of the details but wanted to make sure you save the dates! **There will be a
kick-off event on Wednesday, July 21**.
VBS will then run every Wednesday night in August. More details will be coming soon! Reach out to ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org if you have questions or would like to be part of the VBS planning this year.

Looking to get out of the house and connect with other parents and kids this summer? We would love to have you join us for Play and Pray! The kids enjoy themselves at the park while the grown-ups talk about the things going on in their lives and share prayer requests. Play and Pray mornings are an easy way to be in community with each other during the summer months. In June, we will be meeting on June 2 and June 199:30am-11:30am at Apple Grove Park (by the fire station at CR42 and Hayes).  Contact ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org with any questions.

During May, Restoration Kids will continue to have in-person small group classes for preschool through fifth grade during the Sunday morning worship service on the first, third and fifth Sundays. Virtual small group for grades K-5 will continue on the second and fourth Sundays at
9:30 am via Zoom. Nursery will be open for infants and toddlers on the first, third and fifth Sundays. On weeks where no nursery is provided, we will have toys set up behind the fireplace in the lobby where parents can bring children if they need to get their wiggles out during service. Busy bags will also be available for older kids on these Sundays.

In-Person Nursery and Kids’ Classes: May 30
Virtual Class link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85932448179

We believe that every moment with your kids matters and that as parents, you have the biggest influence on your child’s spiritual development. We have some tools to help you!

We have linked the Bible Story content for this week here. You will need to enter the password restorationkids to access content. We have included a Parent Guide to help you guide conversation that reinforces what your kids are learning in the Bible Story Video. What a great opportunity to help grow your child’s faith!


  • May 30 – First Mission Trip Team Meeting

  • June 4 – Nerf War Invite Event 5:30-7:00pm

Mission Trip

Restoration Students are going on a Mission Trip!
We are going to Lake Charles, Louisiana to help with the hurricane recovery. Lake Charles has a great need! In the midst of the pandemic they were hit by 2 hurricanes, a winter storm and now this week, they were impacted by mass flooding in homes all across the area. 100% of the homes in Lake Charles were damaged so we are going to repair homes but more importantly show the love of Jesus. Check out this video for more perspective. 

If you are going into highschool or a bit of a teenager at heart we welcome you to consider joining us on this trip. Today is the final day to get your interest form or verbal intent of interest in. First payment of $138 is due May 28th and serves as the final confirmation of attendance. You can reach out to Daniel at danielmorgenstern@restorationcov.org with any questions about commitment or the trip.

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