Vision Meeting Recap
Sunday was such a beautiful ten year birthday celebration and vision meeting! We shared and heard meaningful stories of Restoration from both old and new friends, we heard encouraging ministry updates and a Spirit-filled word from Pastor Rob on where we are and where we are going. God has good plans ahead. He is still at work in and through each of us. We are so blessed to call this community home.
During the Vision Meeting we voted on our new Leadership Team members. We are thrilled to share that the members unanimously voted in Greg Carlson, Chris Davis and Colin Fleming.
Be praying for our Leadership Team as they seek the Lord and partner with our staff to move the mission of Restoration forward. The current leadership team also stated that they will not be proposing a new budget until we find a different facility in the coming month. Stay tuned.
Finally, check out YouTube or Facebook for the recording if you missed the celebration. Also look at our social media channels this week for more video stories of Restoration and our birthday celebration.