You can watch the announcement from Sunday HERE.
The facilities task force team continues to meet to pray, plan and prepare for finding Restoration’s next physical location. We want to share updates about our progress to you, the church body, on a regular basis so that you can stay apprised of major movements for finding our next home. This is our fourth update which you’ll find a bit longer and detailed as Restoration grows more near its forthcoming move.
Wayfinding: An appropriate name to the sermon series we just went through, as we quite literally find our way to our next space. As time was winding down on our current lease over the past several weeks, it created the need to shift the focus of the facilities team as certain possibilities became non-viable due to the thinning timeline. To be honest, that didn’t feel great—to be losing possibilities due to nothing other than time—until we prayed about it. Our prayers centered around the direction and focus for the BIG picture of Restoration. The prayers were boldly answered with two resounding themes:

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at Restoration
- Sunday, August 8 | In-Person + Online at Current Location
- Thursday, August 12 | Student Water Park Day
- Sunday, August 15 | In-Person + Online at Current Location
- Sunday, August 22 | In-Person + Online at Current Location
- Sunday, August 22 | Special Business Meeting 11am
- Sunday, August 29 | In-Person + Online at Crystal Lake Beach, Burnsville
- Sunday, September 5 | Join us at our NEW LOCATION AND TIME!

Hey Restoration! It is that time of year again! Time to bless Westview Elementary School Kids with new shoes and backpacks for the school year! The Westview staff, parents, and students hugely appreciate our generous donations of shoes and backpacks each year. Westview principle Tami Staloch-Schultz recently shared with me that “donations of shoes and backpacks are appreciated as they really help balance the beginning of the year needs and anxiety of some families.” There are a few ways you can get involved this year…
- Purchase brand new athletic shoes (any child size 1-7) and/or brand new backpacks and bring them to church on Sunday mornings.
- Donate money to be used for the purchase of shoes and backpacks-donations can be brought to church on Sunday mornings.
- Donate money to be used for the purchase of shoes and backpacks at VBS. To donate money online use the drop down menu to select Westview Backpacks and Shoes
- Drop off shoes/backpacks/monetary donations at the Jacobson home (14230 Audobon Way, Rosemount). Call Michele at 952-649-1369 to schedule a time to drop off.
- Deadline to drop off shoes, backpacks and donations is August 22, 2021
I hope you will consider donating to this important outreach! It has been a joy to be able to serve the students and staff at Westview Elementary over the last decade. It is because of your generosity that students are able to start the school year with their needs met and with reduced anxiety. Your generosity has also helped to facilitate a positive relationship between our church staff and the Westview staff. Those positive relationships have allowed us to continue to serve the people of Westview and help in times of need. Thank you for your generosity over the years! Please reach out to me with any questions- thank you!
Special Business Meeting, August 22, 11:00 AM at current location Bethel’s Rock Family Center
Greeting Restoration family and friends! On June 27, we held our annual vision meeting and voted on three new leadership team candidates, but we were unable to present a 2021-22 budget because we had not determined our next location. Last Sunday we presented the best choice for a next location. Over the next two weeks the leadership team will finalize the budget and present it to the congregation on August 22 at 11 AM for congregation approval. Everyone is invited to attend and members may vote. Please reach out to the leadership team (LT@restorationcov.org) if you have any questions.
SERVE AT RESTORATION On Sunday, Pastor Rob challenged us to learn a new skill and join a Serve Team at Restoration! If you missed the QR Code on Sunday morning you can see the list of opportunities to connect and serve on our website by clicking the button below.
Fall is just around the corner! Be a part of something big as our church family goes on an exciting 8-week journey reading through the next Immerse book.
The stories in Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Samuel-Kings tell the story of God’s people as they invade and inhabit Canaan. God granted them freedom from Egyptian slavery and a place of rest from their wilderness wandering. Unlike the nations around them, they had no king; God was their sovereign. Without an earthly leader, though, the Israelites adopted their neighbors’ pagan ways. They disobeyed the Law of Moses and worshipped other gods. God raised up enemies who disciplined them until they cried out to God for mercy. Each time they did, God sent a deliverer – first in leaders called judges, and later in traditional kings. The greatest of these kings was David, a man after God’s own heart and Jesus’ ancestor. Jesus is the Son of David who is a sovereign for all people, including God’s nation, the Jews.
We are looking for people who are ready to lead an 8-week Immerse Group this Fall! Contact Daniel at danielmorgenstern@restorationcov.org to learn more.
ONLINE GIVING There’s no time like the present to set up online giving. Online tithing is a way to remain faithful in your giving whether you choose to worship with us in-person or online. Decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. We encourage you to consider giving online so that your giving is regular and easy to manage – it’s easy to sign up HERE. You can also Text to Give by texting any dollar amount to 84321.
PRAY OR RECEIVE PRAYER Now more than ever, people are turning toward prayer or are in desperate need of prayer. We have an amazingly gifted prayer team you can depend on for prayer. They’re always looking for other prayer warriors if you want to join or if you need prayer for any situation, you can contact them. We believe in the power of prayer and know that God is listening. We would love to pray for you. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or have any prayer requests, send them to our prayer team at prayer@restorationcov.org

VBS STARTS NEXT WEEK! It will be held outdoors at Revival Baptist Church (former Apple Valley Baptist location) at 964 Garden Valley Dr. in Apple Valley.
- Wednesday nights in August from 6-8pm for kids entering Kindergarten through fifth grade. We will have the songs, crafts and games that kids love about VBS, all outdoors.
- Registration is LIVE! It’s not too late to register!
- Contact ChrystineVilhauer@restorationcov.org with any of your questions about this event or to find out how you can help make VBS a success this year.
RESTORATION KIDS SUMMER SCHEDULE For the remainder of the summer, Restoration Kids will continue to have in-person small group classes for preschool through fifth grade during the Sunday morning worship service on the first, third and fifth Sundays. The exception this this will be during outdoor worship on Sunday, August 29. Elementary classes will be meeting outdoors. Virtual small group for grades K-5 will continue on the second and fourth Sundays at 9:30 am via Zoom. Nursery will be open for infants and toddlers on the first and third Sundays. On weeks where no nursery is provided, we will have toys set up behind the fireplace in the lobby where parents can bring children if they need to get their wiggles out during service. Busy bags will also be available for kids on these Sundays.
Online Virtual Classes for grades K-5: August 8 & 22 In-Person Nursery and Kids’ Classes: August 15 Virtual Class link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85932448179
Student Water Park Day | August 12 Let’s make the most of Summer! August 12, invite a friend and let’s hit a water park while we have the time and sun to do it. Meet at the Apple Valley Aquatic Center 1-4PM with a bathing suit, towel, sun screen, flip flops, $11 for admission, dry clothes, some snacks if you need them, and a friend to share it all with. Signup cutoff is Monday, August 9. Signup by email or text to Daniel at danielmorgenstern@restorationcov.org or 952-686-8408.
August 1-7 | Lake Charles Mission Trip August 12 | Water Park Day
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