Come Move with Restoration’s World Vision Team!

In February, World Vision visited Restoration inviting our community to join their cause in running and raising funds for clean water for those who do not have access to this essential basic need. We had 9 people say yes to World Vision’s invite which formed the Restoration World Vision team!

This team is training to participate in the Twin Cities Marathon that will take place on Sunday, October 6th – we are inviting you to move with us when we gather for our training runs! While we are training for a marathon, you may be training for a 5K, a bike race or just want to move a few minutes or miles; we would love for any and all that want to move with us regardless of distance!

Who: anyone who wants to join us in moving & praying for those who do not have access to clean water

Where: Crystal Lake 1101 Crystal Lake Rd E, Burnsville, MN 55306

When: We gather every Saturday at 7am & first stretch, chat and then pray together before we exercise

What: walking, jogging, running, biking together

If you don’t want to join us on Saturday morning, we would love your prayers as we progress in our training and joining us in prayer for those that we are raising funds for to bring clean water to their communities.

Interested in learning more? Visit our Restoration’s Team World Vision site at or contact Micaella at